entering flower mode!


Well-Known Member
alright so my 2nd grow is entering flowering mode and it is a female this time... good. :joint:

well gents and ladies what do you think she is a less than a month and a half old.


Well-Known Member
:wall:"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]- George Bush, former U.S. President[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
kay so ive been out at the beach for a week and it is about the 2nd week of flowering i believe .. and picture update :D


Well-Known Member
thanks man.. i have to throw a big thanks to my mum for caring for them while i was at the beach... without her theyd be brown and shrivled i think hah.. :D


Well-Known Member
that blows.. i just give her 10% of my harvest and shes cool with it cause i still live with her but she gave me a room for growing so i just had to buy lights and such. :D


Well-Known Member
alright buddy here they are a little too blurry to see but the resin pores are starting to show me what they can do :D
