Entertainment for the Baked.... take a good look!


Active Member
Whats up RIU?! I figured I'd make a post for shits and giggles-- with a bunch of trippy optical illusions.

Enjoy! hahaha


For this illusion, focus on the center + sign. Hold a solid stare for about 30 seconds. You should see the outter purple dots dissappear -- and once you come out of it so-to-speak, its common to see small green dotts lol.

.... SO did it work for you? lol hope so haha.


This one is pretty cool- so you should see 3 turning columns-- and when you blink, they reverse direction lol

...How 'bout that one eh? (yes, I'm a proud Canadian :))


It's moving..... or is it?

Whoa.... dizzyy...

okay thi next one is just wicked cool!!! This dude actually painted this Illusion on the blacktop, but it actually looks like a crevasse!! Whoa!

Awesome isn't it????

Hahahah okay so this next thing is odd... It just said "jesus illusion"... personally I think it looks like something I hit with my truck but thats jus me.... lol

hahaha alright people I'm going back to my other interests now--- feel free to post your own crazy pics/trippy photos or whatever! lol

Take it easy RIU :weed:


Active Member
The purple dot one was crazy so was the street I would love to see that in person
No doubt-- seeing that in person would be insane! Imagine actually being ableto create something so awesome... in my dreams lol.