Enviroment controllll?


Well-Known Member
I have a dehumidifier Sunbeam multrasonic humidifier
600w not aircooled light
1/5 hp exhaudt and 160cfm intake

My humidity wont go above 40 and my dehjmidifer isnt plugged in.
Humidifier on high and ot works everywhere else trust me.

My temp keeps rising and my hjmidity falling.
When my exhaust kicks in my humidity drops fasteer.
Exhaust on a thermosrat
I raised the light up got it to 84

2 circulating fans also.

Room is 5x5x5

How do i fix this its making me crazy and i have work jn an hour


Well-Known Member
40% is`t bad at all, but as you run a outtake/intake vent you will hit more of a RH of the room/out door your venting from then the RH of your humidifier if that make any sense ? try to get your RH up in the room etc you vent from if your outdoor there is`t much to do , but agin 40% is kind a perfect only small seedlings would like to have 50-70% and in flowering 40% is still ok tho most try to hit 30% to keep mold/mildew away

IMO only extreme conditions need action, if your inside 30-60% your good for most grow