Environment control - help!


Active Member
Currently growing in a 9x5 gorilla tent.
I have one vortex 8” S line intake and another one for exhaust.

I also have a Grozone HT2

I have the exhaust currently running full time on medium speed.

I have my intake hooked up to the HT2. When temps get hot my HT2 kicks in nicely but the intake expands my tent and causes positive pressure and makes the whole house smell lol

I tired setting up both fans to work on the HT2 but then the fans only cut in when the controller turns them on.

I wish there was a way I could have the exhaust fan run full time on low, but then when it gets hot or humid the controller turns the exhaust fan in high and the intake on low so that I can still maintain a negative pressure.

I want constant negative pressure on the exhaust side but then ramp up the exhaust speed to compensate for the intake air....

any ideas????
Something like this with a minimum set idol speed so it doesn't turn off.
You might have a problem if your fans are equal size since the extraction cfm will be reduced by filter and duct and the intake wont.
The intake should be 30-40% less cfm to counter that.
You might not even need an intake.

Try searching for night and day thermostatic fan speed controller. There are many available .
Why not have the exhaust connected to the temp controller and the intake at a constant speed. This way the exhaust fan would be the one speeding up when it gets hot.

Most configurations I have seen use a passive intake anyway.
Adding filtration, bends or a partial blockage to the duct on the intake side can reduce flow. Try to equalize with the exhaust so that when both run at max, no more positive pressure. Straighten and shorten ducting on the exhaust side to increase flow first, if you can.