environment genetics


Active Member
I live in the pacific northwest and did some autoflowers outdoors, started around june 1st. Well somehow the crop ended up with seeds even though they were autoflowers flowering in july that didn't hermie or have nanners, yet somehow there were flowering plants nearby that made my shit produce seeds. I live in a residential area too. I started some of those seeds this hoping to find out if they are autoflowers or photos, well I found out they are photo plants.. so what are the potential genetics of the male pollen, outdoor ditch weed or from a neighbors grow op??? Should I grow these seeds or toss em? Just wondering because I now have 5 plants that I know are female but not sure how the genetics are going to be, and I dont want to grow ditch hemp


Well-Known Member
is there ditch weed visibly growing in your area
are others growing weed in your area
chance you missed a stray ball/stamen

your guess is better than anyone else's
growing them will be hit or miss for you. i couldnt waste my time with stray seed but maybe you can