Enzymes and Beneficial Bacteria

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
Hey whats up guys.

I want to know a little about enzymes and beneficial's.

Specifically Cannazym and Tarantula/Voodoo

Can they be used in conjunction? Is there a proper way to maintain both?

Say adding Voodoo during veg. Cannazym at the flip and Tarantula after a week, and Cannazym again for the final week or so to clear up the medium?

I dont want to kill off my expensive beneficials. I do want to clean up my medium before using again.

I use Growstone or perlite sometimes coco.
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Tarantula seems to be redundant with Cannazym. I believe Voodoo Juice contains your bacillus and is most effective when used with sugars which feeds the beneficials.
That's what I'm wondering, on the website it says "CANNAZYM prevents bacteria and harmful mould."
Hopefully it doesn't prevent beneficial things in my Great White mycorrhizae powder from taking hold!
But hopefully it does prevent what the fungus gnats like eating. I have a few of them.
Tarantula seems to be redundant with Cannazym.

It does indeed feel like they perform the same purpose to a point.

That's what I'm wondering, on the website it says "CANNAZYM prevents bacteria and harmful mould."
Hopefully it doesn't prevent beneficial things in my Great White mycorrhizae powder from taking hold!

thats the thing.. Sounds to me like using enzymes will kill off any beneficial bacteria.

I think I will inoculate in veg. Use enzymes at the flip to break down the dead roots and clean up the medium followed by re-innoculation and then enzymes for the final weeks. In my head that makes sense.

I was always a soil guy, then an organic soil guy, but impatience finally took hold and I am working my way through hydro, so Ive never really been concerned about having to add these things before, and then care for them...

I suppose I dont have to add either but in my head if running hydro then you want to push it to the max or why bother...

I was hoping a well established and learned hydro-head might present some insight. Suppose I could call Advanced or Canna and find out, but fuck if I want to talk to anyone who is PR for AN.
I find regular applications of bennies to be best; I use a tea of Recharge twice weekly which constitutes a full range of bacillus, myco and trichoderma. I also drench the root zone in the same at transplant and is responsible for excellent rhizosphere health.

I'm not interested in adding carbs to the root zone so replenishing the micro herd with regular applications is essential.

Bumping this thread as i'm trying to learn more about compatibility with enzymes too.

AFAIK a healthy population beneficial bacteria (bacillus) will produce their own enzymes for accelerating the breaking down of dead root cells and it is this symbiosis which helps root expansion in the medium. Not sure as to the speed/efficiency at which they do this.

As to whether there is benefit to further adding enzymes periodically, I don't know. Worth a side-by-side unless anyone has experience to add here...? Are there any known negative effects on living microbes from adding protein enzymes?

With my method there is certainly a window of opportunity for applying the correct* enzymes in between renewing the micro herd. I can see potential for efficacy in mid-flower, perhaps, when a non-sterile root zone could appreciate a clean.

I have zero root problems in coco with bennies so this really is just playing around here.

*Its worth distinguishing between types of enzymes, such as digestive enzymes, metabolic stimulants and so on if there's a convo to be had on this.
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