Equipment that will be needed for growing in soil


i would like to see whats all needed to start growing in soil
testers, lights, nutes, and so on everything needed for a great farvest lets see what people use thanks guys
5 gallon bucket
nutes containg good amounts of phosphorus potassium and nitrogen. B vitamins are also good but seem to bo underrated on this forum
[do not use in seedling stage tho]
CFL or any kind of light that gives off the right blue and red spectrum [ blue for veg, red for flowering. you can also just buy blue lights for now and then get red later]
and your gonna need a fan. this is really important because without one the stem will become weak
other than that your gonna need basic knowledge
happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
basic knowledge which you have not yet required if you are asking:D
a Ph tester iwll be handy if you run into any problems
just a few CFL's try for 100W a plant and u will be doing ok, daylight for now (6500k) and thne sum warm white (2700k) for flowerr
sum decent soil and a large pot
fans (intake/exhaust)
sum basic veg and flower nutes

there is a basic grow list, you can get into sum decent growing with PPM meters and HID lights, but then it will get pretty expensive, so do what works for YOUR budget