

Active Member
hey all..I'm a real "noob" / "newbie" when it comes to this...i was looking through some various online sites about planting inside...i came across this and thought it might be a good i on to something or am i way off track?

Automatic Plant Watering Systems and Misting Supplies - Mist and Water Timers, Drip Systems, Valves, Nozzle Cleaner and Filters from ACF

and thanks to skunkushybird for helping me get this post out there


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. The first few times I saw anything like that I was impressed. Having used a drip system for a year, I'm a little less impressed. It still looks cool, and if I install a system for my wife's flower beds. it might be a drip system.
In my opinion there are two problems with drip systems. First, pretty obvious they can clog. No big deal just have a few spare ones and switch out clogged one. Soak it in white vinegar for a day, no more clog. Rinse,re-use.
The other problem is the one that has me convinced this is not the type of system to use for the type of operation being discussed in this forum. Lets say you have 12 plants together in a 3' by 4' space, under a 600 watt hid light. You want to move one of the plants from the center, its getting a little too tall compared to the other. Reach in and pull out the dripper, place it out of the way carefully. Remove pot and set it out of the way. Pull out second dripper and place it carefully out of the way. See it move back into position while your reaching for the plant. SOB stay where I put you. Pick up pot. move center dripper out of the way again, and set down the plant. Re-install drip. Replace the one that got pulled out while you were fiddiling around in there. Straighten up and stretch your back for a few from being bent over so long. NOt too much, you still have to bend over and place plant #1 back into the cool looking drip system. And I love the sound. Kinda like a waterfall just got turned on, the jazz playing, doobie burning, life is good. Now if my back would just stop hurting.
If you still like the system your onto, I can tell you you can't buy the parts and put that system together for less money unless you live in Michigan. Then you could just meet me some where, I'll be glad to see someone get use of the drippers I constructed. Matter of fact, I'd like to see some one put the meter square, 20 station, on wheels system I have, soon to be retired,to good use. You will have to buy your own pump and filter, I'll be usingthem for my newly coonstructed flood and drain table. VV