Etiquette, do you have it??


Well-Known Member
If you are generally new to smokin the ganj then you more than likely should sit down and really read this so you have some clue what to do...

1. If you have any ganja on you, ALWAYS offer to pack the first bowl/paper. If more than one bowl/paper are going to be smoked, everyone should eventually contribute to the smoke.
2. If you have a smoking device, offer to use it (Bonus: You get resin in a bowl. aka free THC for later).
3. Pack a bowl with plenty of green so that it overflows the brim but doesn’t fall out (aka Salad Bowl).
4. Make sure bowl/paper is not too tightly packed so greens aren’t burned needlessly as the smoke in a bowl/paper packed too tight will not be able to enter one’s lungs and will simply burn away.
5. Arrange friends in a geometric shape and discuss the smoking order’s progressing starting with the person who first sparks the bowl/paper.

Get Smoking!
1. To be courteous, if you packed the bowl, offer greens to the person to your right. They will love you for it anyways
2. Always hold the lighter on the brim of the bowl/paper to ignite the least possible plant matter first, then inhale to spread the flame to the unburnt green. (This saves some fresh green for your buddies).
Hold the hit in for as long as you can, but be aware that most THC gets absorbed in 10 seconds and after that you’re inhaling other cannabinoids and potential carcinogens if not using a piece that filters through water.
3. Make sure you take a hit equivalent to what you can handle, coughing up your hit will only anger your friends. And it just a waste
4. Take no more than two hits per round as it is selfish to take more. unless your in europe
5. Make sure you have not slobbered on the bowl/paper. If you have, use a lighter to lightly kill bacteria/dry the piece. its just sick anyways
6a. Pass the bowl to the person next in rotation either bowl facing them or sideways so the mouthpiece is towards them but do not hand it to them with the mouthpiece directly facing them; that is rude and shows impatience.6
6b. If using a paper, always hold it in a manner so your fingers are closest to the burning plant matter as to not burn your friend when passing it along. Thats shit hurts
7. When done with your hit(s), join in conversation and be social
Dont just smoke it and then leave.
8. If using a bowl, the next time it comes to you, use a lighter to move the plant matter on the sidewalls down to the middle and pack it down. If using a paper, make sure the paper is burning evenly. If not then attempt to fix it.
9. When done with the first bowl/paper, if you didn’t pack the first bowl, offer to pack the second and the cycle continues until everyone’s done. If you dont have any then make sure you offer up for next time.

  • Use the lighting method mentioned above, it is referred to as “cornering”
  • Do not keep the flame burning the ganj if it is still green.
  • Only keep the flame on when holding it for a solid second won’t heat the ganj to a point where it will continue to burn without the flame on the next inhale (known as the “cherry”).
  • Do not hold the bowl/paper without taking a hit, this will cause the cherry to die down and will only waste weed as it will continue to burn without it being put to use.
  • If you have water, offer it to anyone that asks. Bonus if you offer it beforehand. Cottonmouths' a bitch..
  • Same thing goes for food. If you have it, offer it.
  • If you’re hungry/thirsty, do not abuse your host’s generosity.
  • The rules of the logistics of the smoke (location/rotation) belong to the owner of the place where you’ll be smoking.
  • The rules of how much will be smoked using what methods belong to the owner of the ganj/piece.
  • Try to always use a grinder. If you’re grinding for someone else using your own grinder, dump the rest that you can’t pick up back into their bag, thief.
  • Do not inhale too hard for the possibility of sucking through the weed if using a bowl. If smoking a paper, there really isn’t too much of a problem inhaling hard.
  • If the bowl is clogged, do not continue to light after the first attempt. Get a pin/needle and poke through the hole to clear it.
  • Do not drop someone else’s bowl
  • Do not drop someone else’s ganj
  • Do not drop someone’s waterpipe/water in the pipe.
  • Do not do the above 3 things if you own them and others are relying on you for the smoke; don’t ruin everyone’s day.
  • Do not pass a finished bowl/paper to someone else. If you think a bowl is done, take another hit where you keep the flame burning the ganj. If little or no smoke comes out, declare the bowl/paper “beat.” and empty it out where the owner of the location asks.
thy monarch
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Well-Known Member
If you are generally new to smokin the ganj
3. Pack a bowl with plenty of green so that it overflows the brim but doesn’t fall out (aka Salad Bowl).
aha, we call that a rim rocker here xD
I honestly do all of them 'cept maybe for a couple (I always munch out at a friends house, but hey, I do it in return when they're over :P)


Well-Known Member
Not the whole thing...I had to add in there things that people just NEED to know..It just gets a little aggravating when people scorch the whole bowl, or just think they can get smoked up and not return the favor, or passing you a cashed bowl, etc..Im sure you know what i mean...Damn good thing that needed to be posted though


Well-Known Member
Not the whole thing...I had to add in there things that people just NEED to know..It just gets a little aggravating when people scorch the whole bowl, or just think they can get smoked up and not return the favor, or passing you a cashed bowl, etc..Im sure you know what i mean...Damn good thing that needed to be posted though
I smoke by myself. :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think this should be STICKIED FOR SURE!!! i mean Im not trying to tell you how to smoke, just a lot of people respect the art and etiquette of smoking the ganj and you might need to know A LOT of this if you meet new friends or are in a group of people...


Well-Known Member
If you are generally new to smokin the ganj then you more than likely should sit down and really read this so you have some clue what to do...


1. If you have any ganja on you, ALWAYS offer to pack the first bowl/paper. If more than one bowl/paper are going to be smoked, everyone should eventually contribute to the smoke.
2. If you have a smoking device, offer to use it (Bonus: You get resin in a bowl. aka free THC for later).
3. Pack a bowl with plenty of green so that it overflows the brim but doesn’t fall out (aka Salad Bowl).

Amendment to rule #3:
Pack to the recipients preferred size. A good packer will be aware of his/her friends preferred bowl size.

4. Make sure bowl/paper is not too tightly packed so greens aren’t burned needlessly as the smoke in a bowl/paper packed too tight will not be able to enter one’s lungs and will simply burn away.
5. Arrange friends in a geometric shape and discuss the smoking order’s progressing starting with the person who first sparks the bowl/paper.
Oh come on now, is this a Chinese Green tea ceremony or something?:mrgreen:

Get Smoking!
1. To be courteous, if you packed the bowl, offer greens to the person to your right. They will love you for it anyways
2. Always hold the lighter on the brim of the bowl/paper to ignite the least possible plant matter first, then inhale to spread the flame to the unburnt green. (This saves some fresh green for your buddies).
Hold the hit in for as long as you can, but be aware that most THC gets absorbed in 10 seconds and after that you’re inhaling other cannabinoids and potential carcinogens if not using a piece that filters through water.

3. Make sure you take a hit equivalent to what you can handle, coughing up your hit will only anger your friends. And it just a waste
Coughing is *not* a sin. :mrgreen:

4. Take no more than two hits per round as it is selfish to take more. unless your in europe
ie, don't be a cone pig?

5. Make sure you have not slobbered on the bowl/paper. If you have, use a lighter to lightly kill bacteria/dry the piece. its just sick anyways
6a. Pass the bowl to the person next in rotation either bowl facing them or sideways so the mouthpiece is towards them but do not hand it to them with the mouthpiece directly facing them; that is rude and shows impatience.6
6b. If using a paper, always hold it in a manner so your fingers are closest to the burning plant matter as to not burn your friend when passing it along. Thats shit hurts
. When done with your hit(s), join in conversation and be social
Dont just smoke it and then leave.
8. If using a bowl, the next time it comes to you, use a lighter to move the plant matter on the sidewalls down to the middle and pack it down. If using a paper, make sure the paper is burning evenly. If not then attempt to fix it.
9. When done with the first bowl/paper, if you didn’t pack the first bowl, offer to pack the second and the cycle continues until everyone’s done. If you dont have any then make sure you offer up for next time.

  • Use the lighting method mentioned above, it is referred to as “cornering”
  • Do not keep the flame burning the ganj if it is still green.
  • Only keep the flame on when holding it for a solid second won’t heat the ganj to a point where it will continue to burn without the flame on the next inhale (known as the “cherry”).
  • Do not hold the bowl/paper without taking a hit, this will cause the cherry to die down and will only waste weed as it will continue to burn without it being put to use.
  • If you have water, offer it to anyone that asks. Bonus if you offer it beforehand. Cottonmouths' a bitch..
  • Same thing goes for food. If you have it, offer it.
  • If you’re hungry/thirsty, do not abuse your host’s generosity.
  • The rules of the logistics of the smoke (location/rotation) belong to the owner of the place where you’ll be smoking.
  • The rules of how much will be smoked using what methods belong to the owner of the ganj/piece.
  • Try to always use a grinder. If you’re grinding for someone else using your own grinder, dump the rest that you can’t pick up back into their bag, thief.
  • Do not inhale too hard for the possibility of sucking through the weed if using a bowl. If smoking a paper, there really isn’t too much of a problem inhaling hard.
  • If the bowl is clogged, do not continue to light after the first attempt. Get a pin/needle and poke through the hole to clear it.
  • Do not drop someone else’s bowl
  • Do not drop someone else’s ganj
  • Do not drop someone’s waterpipe/water in the pipe.
  • Do not do the above 3 things if you own them and others are relying on you for the smoke; don’t ruin everyone’s day.
  • Do not pass a finished bowl/paper to someone else. If you think a bowl is done, take another hit where you keep the flame burning the ganj. If little or no smoke comes out, declare the bowl/paper “beat.” and empty it out where the owner of the location asks.
thy monarch
This is funny :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
there`s one in every crowd that dont care about this. some may not be important but who cares do we need to pick it a part. some of it is personal prefference and dosn`t make it wrong.
so is this were the arguing crap starts to prove someones point?. lol


Well-Known Member
no no . not you the other dude for picking it apart. i just notice in here that quite often when someone does this three pages of arguing thier point later then the beutifull langauge skills come out. ( swearing and so on) and i am not trying to start one here it is just what i`m talking about with the etiquette on this forum.
i`m not slaming you gryphon and especialy not you smokeh. actualy i didn`t even notice your quote, ya i`m originaly from england and i do believe that is somewhat europe. why only 2 hits, do we smoke to much for ya. ha ha


Well-Known Member
no no . not you the other dude for picking it apart. i just notice in here that quite often when someone does this three pages of arguing thier point later then the beutifull langauge skills come out. ( swearing and so on) and i am not trying to start one here it is just what i`m talking about with the etiquette on this forum.
i`m not slaming you gryphon and especialy not you smokeh. actualy i didn`t even notice your quote, ya i`m originaly from england and i do believe that is somewhat europe. why only 2 hits, do we smoke to much for ya. ha ha
S'all good bonz. I was playing with it because I remember back in the late seventies, we followed a special ritual when smoking. Back then, we were a close clique of seven people and we had an unwritten code of conduct when it came to a session. You know:

'If you mull up, pass the billy clockwise'
'The chop must be fine enought o burn evenly, but not so fine as to pull through the pipe.'
'Lung Buster cones are only allowed when there is at least an ounce of weed in the stash'.

Nowadays we chop and make sure the mull bowl is always full. If you want a cone, have one. bongsmilie The bong is always ready. If the bowl is empty, chop.
:mrgreen: It makes life simpler...bongsmilie