EU set to ban travel from the US


Well-Known Member
Good for them, I wouldn't blame them in the least.
We're just a bunch of dumb as fuck idiots anyway.
Shit it is for our own good too. Less idiots on those flying virus filled petri dishes.
Good for them, I wouldn't blame them in the least.
We're just a bunch of dumb as fuck idiots anyway.
Ya got the mark of the beast on ya James, a big T on yer forehead! There used to be a book called the "Ugly American", now it's the infected American. Canada's border is closed too but our rate of infection is nothing to brag about either and if we don't get our shit together, we might just join you on the world's shit list.
Ya got the mark of the beast on ya James, a big T on yer forehead! There used to be a book called the "Ugly American", now it's the infected American. Canada's border is closed too but our rate of infection is nothing to brag about either and if we don't get our shit together, we might just join you on the world's shit list.
I don’t know. At least we don’t have leadership like this:
Ya got the mark of the beast on ya James, a big T on yer forehead!
And it started to develop in 1963 when JFK was killed & then just developed further when MLK & RFK were also murdered.
Yea, I just grew up in a peaches & cream fucking era, which combined with more than one friend that came back from Vietnam totally fucked up for the rest of their lives with something they call now PSTD, then it was simply called shell shock.
So, fucking yea, I got the fucking mark of the devil on my forehead, that has been ingrained into me as a result of the abuse's of the core value of humanity, which this country, with all the bullshit they espouse, never had.
This country is full of fucking hypocrites & I am personally very fucking sick of it
I don’t know. At least we don’t have leadership like this:
We we are finally doing as well as the EU and that is the standard I wanna hold the government too, the curve of one of their better success stories.

The USA has 7,440 cases/million and Canada has, 2,709 cases per million, Germany has 2,307 cases per million cases for example, but the Americans are now testing 90,823, and Canada is testing 66,744 per million.

If the heathen wanna travel they are gonna have to clean themselves up!
And it started to develop in 1963 when JFK was killed & then just developed further when MLK & RFK were also murdered.
Yea, I just grew up in a peaches & cream fucking era, which combined with more than one friend that came back from Vietnam totally fucked up for the rest of their lives with something they call now PSTD, then it was simply called shell shock.
So, fucking yea, I got the fucking mark of the devil on my forehead, that has been ingrained into me as a result of the abuse's of the core value of humanity, which this country, with all the bullshit they espouse, never had.
This country is full of fucking hypocrites & I am personally very fucking sick of it
I think a majority of Americans have had enough of this shit, I think the GOP are gonna get wiped out. Donald's suicide tour of the red states will finish the cocksuckers, they are gonna face a public heath disaster in the coming weeks.. With everyday the election draws closer and Donald is frantically fucking up trying to cover his ass, now that he knows he is gonna lose badly enough that he can't cheat his way back in, he is gonna get real desperate. He MUST deal with the SDNY one way or another, even if he has to fire the entire DOJ, this is not the end, the new SDNY DA will be fired too. Bill Barr is in deep shit, I doubt he will escape jail, Donald will publicly rat him out, he's done it to everybody else, he will blather about something to the press.

Keep the faith James, yer almost to the finish line, take a road trip to a red state and knock on doors or call for a candidate, get folks registered etc. There are lots of ways to fight besides voting, use all means to get your country back. Give Joe a year with some willing hands and ya won't know the place, the times are a changin James.
Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' (Audio)
In the past, slaves needed travel permission from their masters too.

What's changed ?
The problem was and is, society "enslaved" the wrong people, thanks to modern science and technology like high resolution brain scanners, we will begin "enslaving the right people", people like you and Donald will be identified in school behaviorally and then ...
AC knew about the epidemic and reported it here before we ever heard of Fauci. It's true. Just read his posts. From that basis, he was absolutely right to tell us to go outside and get infected to shorten the time to herd immunity. After all, from a single back of the envelope calculation (he's amazing for a tour operator, a real life Buckaroo Banzai), he proved the virus had already spread around the world and herd immunity achieved by the middle of April. Do I have to cuss you out to convince you?
AC lives in the Philippines and the news about covid was spreading in the region a lot sooner than here or Europe. They had SARs before and were more prepared and vigilant in many places like South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it was in the local news in that part of the world a lot sooner than here. AC was smart enough to realise the impictions early, but after being locked down under Duterte with goons on the streets enforcing it, the stress got to him I figure and he went a bit squirrely. He is most likely under a lot of financial distress etc, so is everybody else though, he was living in paradise and it quickly went to Hell.