Evening Gents...

Forte Blunt

Hey Gang, I been growin indoors for about 7 years now and feel like I have a pretty good grip on everything. I grew Hydroponically for a few years but for the last 4 years Ive stuck strictly with organics and have it dialed in nice and tight where my grows are consistently producing high quality buds with maximum yields. Lately I have been getting more and more interested in the breeding aspects of growing which brings me to why I am here at RIU. I am here to gain knowledge in the area of breeding high quality Cannabis and that's it in a nutshell.



Well-Known Member
i don't know that many people check this section of the website. i have been here for years and this is the first time i looked at this section...


Well-Known Member
I poke my head in once in a while. OP...see the breeders section. And check out subcool's shit. He breeds his own and has a great organic soil mix.