Ever drink this cannabis bebida? (Hot Buttered Bhang)


Well-Known Member
Hot Buttered Bhang
half a cube (1/8 pound) of butter or ghee
1/3 - 1/2 oz. Of Marijuana Leaves
8 ounces of Vodka
1-2 pinches Cardamom seed

In a pan, melt the butter or ghee. Break up the marijuana leaves into the pan. Once the butter and leaves are hot and sizzling, add in 8 ounces of vodka. Be careful that the hot butter doesn't make the mixture splatter. Pour the Vodka in swiftly to avoid problems. Continue boiling the mixture for roughly 30 more seconds, stirring simultaneously. Add a pinch or two or powdered cardamom seed while boiling.

Once mixture has been boiled to desired amount, strain the fluids and mash the contents through a strainer. You should use a tool like a spoon to try and squeeze all the juices out. Throw away the mush, or reboil to try and bet more juices out. Pour the liquid into two 4 ounce wine glasses.

This Recipe serves two people. This is an extremely efficient method for extracting the THC. Add honey to taste and enjoy as a hot chocolate-esque Drink!

The effects of the recipe will be felt within 15 withings. Prepare to have a good time!


Found it on the net. Gonna make it tonight with some crystally trim. Anyone else try it?

I found a thread on RIU about it but it was 3 years old. Sooooooooo
Well I'm going to be making this butter and vodka and weed infused drink in about an hour. Wish me luck.

Or actually don't. Hope I fuck it up. And don't tell me you hope I fuck it up on here. Don't reply to this thread.

Hi james.