Ever forced to stop using weed?


Well-Known Member
Yup plenty of times, but its smooth sailing from here on out. No i never got any benifit besides low tolerance amd having to take a drug test


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I was thrown in jail for 30 days for selling weed back in the 60's. Put on parole for 5 years but smoked the whole time... no drug tests back then. BTW, the weed I was busted for had less THC than lawn clippings. Sold an once of hay to an undercover snitch for 20 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Many times. Now I'm dealing with my s.o. trying everything to stop me from blazing. Damn it. Wish ppl would just let me be me and stop trying to fukn change me. Its so annoying. The way I see it is it's my body, I'm not hurting anyone, and if you don't like it then leave. I mean wtf.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Many times. Now I'm dealing with my s.o. trying everything to stop me from blazing. Damn it. Wish ppl would just let me be me and stop trying to fukn change me. Its so annoying. The way I see it is it's my body, I'm not hurting anyone, and if you don't like it then leave. I mean wtf.
what is density of 100.0 grams block of metal with dimensions 2.00 cm x 4.50 x 6.25 cm?


Well-Known Member
I once had to quit smoking weed to save my daughter. She was in Paris following U2 around Europe, and some Ukrainians kidnapped her to sell her into the sex trade. I told them that I had a special set of skills, and that I would find them and kill them. They wished me good luck, it really pisses me off when people don't take me seriously. So, I had to keep my head clear to travel internationally and save her life. With the help of my CIA buddies, I tracked all the kidnappers down and killed them in really cool ways, then retrieved my daughter. Lit up a blunt when I got home to celebrate, it was a rough 48 hours...


Well-Known Member
I once had to quit smoking weed to save my daughter. She was in Paris following U2 around Europe, and some Ukrainians kidnapped her to sell her into the sex trade. I told them that I had a special set of skills, and that I would find them and kill them. They wished me good luck, it really pisses me off when people don't take me seriously. So, I had to keep my head clear to travel internationally and save her life. With the help of my CIA buddies, I tracked all the kidnappers down and killed them in really cool ways, then retrieved my daughter. Lit up a blunt when I got home to celebrate, it was a rough 48 hours...
Surely that's a plagiarised Finshaggy movie script.


Well-Known Member
I've never been "forced" to stop, been smoking on the regular since my brother first said "try this" back in '86 or so. He also brought two paper cups and a bottle of whiskey...it was winter and he looked a lot like Kurt Russell in 'The Thing', snowy beard and all.
Never had any troubles in college (Culinary Arts or otherwise) and if a certain restaurant piss tested I just wouldn't work there.