Ever had a "heavy cleaning product" smell from bud?

Im not talking about pine-sol.

picked up some "swamp gas" from a gifting service, this was among their top tier strains. There's not much info out there but it's Triangle Kush x SFV OG, so a heavy OG. The smell is an intense bright zesty lemon pinesol mixed with what I can only describe as bleach or heavy duty cleaning product. Its like sniffing a mop bucket that's half full of pinesol, half full of bleach or something. It doesn't smell bad, it's actually very unique.

I was just curious if anyone has ever come across this before and if it's normal or a problem with the bud itself
Sounds kinda like Terpinolene. Totally normal.

Yeah the taste of the smoke is a real bright zesty pinesol vibe that stays on the pallette for a while, it's just the smell is very unique and I don't think I've had anything like that before.

I usually think of OGs as being either lemony and skunky or lemony and fuel-y, this stuff has its own thing going on.
Yeah the taste of the smoke is a real bright zesty pinesol vibe that stays on the pallette for a while, it's just the smell is very unique and I don't think I've had anything like that before.

I usually think of OGs as being either lemony and skunky or lemony and fuel-y, this stuff has its own thing going on.
What's your medium and nutrients?
Real og kush will always smell like pungent fuel/earth/pine. Sounds like you got some real kush. Congrats. I hear it’s not everywhere unless your in SoCal. And not the legal market. There shouldn even be a bad pheno of any og. But there is unfortunately lol
Real og kush will always smell like pungent fuel/earth/pine. Sounds like you got some real kush. Congrats. I hear it’s not everywhere unless your in SoCal. And not the legal market. There shouldn even be a bad pheno of any og. But there is unfortunately lol
I'm actually on the east coast in a newly legal state, but I'm buying it from a "business" that's still technically illegal lol.
Yeah I really hope this thing doesn't get busted. It shows up first on Google when you search the name...
Idk how your laws are where you are. But in California we have well over 1500-2000 clubs. But only 117 or something are legal. And everyone pops up on google and yelp. I completely stay away from weedmaps. Those are for tourists