Ever heard of a tenants' power bill being in the name of the landlord?


Well-Known Member
I just put down a deposit on a sweet place, beautiful location, dreamy, quiet, rural , THE PERFECT PLACE for indoor growing. I have MMJ paper work in an MMJ state, but get this...the landlord brings me IN PERSON ... the electric/gas bill statement showing what is due every month, and I pay him that with the rent.

I've never heard of a set up like this.This landlord has around 10 rental houses and he keeps the power bill in his name for ALL of them, and the other renters pay him the same way.

I'm getting the feeling that he does this looking for heavy consumers of electricity so he can then predict who might be a grower, then kick them out.

I live in a one bedroom now and I'm tired of the little 3x3 grow box that I use now, and the reason for this new move was to live in a house that I could dedicate an entire bedroom for growing.

I don't know if this is going to bring any attention to me, yeah....I'm sure it will... I wonder what this landlord is going to say to me when he hands me the power bill asking ..." why is your power bill $350.00 per month when no previous tenant that's ever lived here ever paid more than $150.00 ?

"Son, are you growing marijuana in this house, and then he starts to put his foot in the door, wanting to look around...ect, you get the picture I'm painting?

It's too late now, I've done paid my deposit and I'm intent on growing. This house for where its at is a dream come true, then the price is perfect too, all except for the freakin power bill that the landlord brings me in person every month.

My intentions are running no more than 3-400 watt HPS flowering lights and never running them for more than 12 hrs and then always running them at night so they aren't pulling during peak time, but then I'm going to have a mother box where 240 watts of tube lights (3 - 4 ft. fluoro fixtures) are going to run 24/7 keeping my mothers nice and thriving. Then the inline fans, floor fans, and the power sucking A/C window unit to keep grow room cool, then the rest of the households pull on the meter.

In reality , my grow isn't going to be huge, but I already know I'm going to be the most power consuming tenant that this landlord has ever seen.

I'm sure this landlord is going to question my electric bill...but then again... why should he, or what right should he, since it's in the deal that I have to pay for it, as I said.... I've done paid the deposit and there's no turning back now.

I move in in 30 days and the first thing I'm doing is replacing all the deadbolts with identical new ones in case he ever tries to go in while I'm not there to look around, - what landlord would have the balls enough to say "I tried to go into the house you rent from me when you were gone to snoop around and I couldn't because you changed the locks!!!"

Everyone of my family members , whenever they moved into a new place they were renting, the first thing they done was replace the deadbolts with identical new ones, and they never told the landlord about it until they handed them the keys when moving out. I think it's a great security precaution, and it deters snooping and theft by the landlord.

I know a lot of you are going to say, I should've picked another place, or whatever, but any advice ? I'm going to stick this one out for better or worse ,this is a DREAM house in a DREAM location. :shock:


I work for a power company & see many landlords do what your talking about. He might be watching your power consumption or he might want the power in his name so if you take off his property is not sitting there w/o heat. Also if you fail to pay your rent he does not have to evict you... just shut off the power. Just a couple possibilities. Peace Jack


Well-Known Member
It happens occassionally. Maybe a tenant stiffed the light company in the past, and the landlord was stuck paying the bill to have power on his property. Relax. Three 400w wouldn't even use as much electricity as a single space heater on high. You might use a bit more than usual, but I doubt it would be enough to send out red flags. Lots of things use more power than those do. Hell, did you know a coffee pot draws 900w by itself? Least mine does. I agree with changing the locks, that's good common sense there.