Well-Known Member
I just grew out some Black Widow for the first time. Great strain. Heaviest producer I've ever grown. Only problem is it's so strong I can't smoke anymore of it. I have a couple patients that like that strong stuff so it won't go to waste. It literally makes me trip out every time I smoke it. Uncomfortably trip out. And it doesn't wear off quickly. I've only had this happen maybe 4 or 5 times in my life. Once was when I was in my late teens. Big brother had a friend that drove back and forth to California for weed runs. Smoked something called "crippler." A 1 hit was too much. It burned my nostrils to even put the dugout up to my nose. Didn't buy anymore, and none of my friends were interested either. It was like the moonshine of pot. Another time was some GG#4 I got from a dispensary. Paid an absurd amount for an ounce. Got home and toked up. Trippy effect due to incredibly high THC levels. Didn't buy anymore. Experiences like this is why I've never been into concentrates for the most part. If you need to concentrate your weed to get high you need to either grow better pot or get a better dealer 
I like strong, but I like balance also. Anyone else ever run into this?

I like strong, but I like balance also. Anyone else ever run into this?