Ever take a crap and it smelled like bud?


Well-Known Member
Let's hear your funny weed stories, the more unbelievable the better, write a short novel if you must....give me something to read!

That's my funny weed story I was still living at home as a youngster. I may have been 22 or something...my brother is 3 years younger. The day prior I had a big smoke out at my buddies. We all had probably 1/2 of some good mid grade, buds ya know just had a seed here and there....probably in the 10% range, way better than regular. The high didn't seem to have a ceiling so you could just get faded. Anyway we were smokin blunts probably 7 or 8 of us...most had a half some had a quarter some had more so everyone was rollin up like 5 or 6 blunts each. We sat there for hours smokin. Well on my way home I was starving but not going by any food places and I realized I hadn't ate at all that day....literally just drank liquids and smoked bud. Well the next morning I woke up in a daze had to take a dump. I am in the midst of it and I'm like "yo my shit smells like weed"...I looked into the bowl and my shit was straight green. Right about then my brother knocks on the door. He didn't smoke til his mid 20s, so he was just a drinker at this point. I'm like I'll be out hold up. So I leave he goes in, and is like "what the fuck dude" I reply "what?". He angrily is like "smokin that shit in the bathroom you know mom hates that in her house" right then I just bust up laughing. "It isn't fuckin funny" he says, I'm rolling harder. He opens the door and I'm like "dude that was the smell of my shit, I thought I was tripping when it smelled like that". He just shook his head...but damn I need to text him about that I'm in the midwest he lives in LA now...he'd probably laugh now that he smokes.

Happened twice in my life to me...so I guess it's a thing that can happen...anyone else ever have that weed smell shit pheno? Lol