.•°every newbie should read this°•.


Well-Known Member
OK, for all the newbs out there, I have a tip that will drastically increase your knowledge about growing, and will cut down the amount of threads you start/hijack tenfold, if not more.

Read the stickies. Every single one of them.

There is almost as much general information in the stickies/sub threads (in the stickies) as there is on the rest of this entire website. There is enough information there for you to go from putting a seed in dirt, to putting your smoke in the air, and everything in between. Hell, I know a couple pros who would probably benefit by browsing through them.

I'm sure a lot of you are already reading the shit out of the stickies (I know I have), but I figured I would put this up to remind those of you that may be having problems, and are having a hard time finding answers to your questions. Its a lot of info to go through, but I guarantee there will be a correlation between how much you study up, and how dank your buds turn out.

Seriously guys, not trying to be an arse. The stickies here are invaluable-- don't waste your time waiting for someone else to answer your questions while your plants get sicker, unless you absolutely have to.

Knowledge is power!!! (and Danker buds, too)


Active Member
And never be afraid to ASK A QUESTION (after you look around for an answer 1st!)

Here are some links to help Newbies that can't find exactly what they need....
but a start....

Growers Terms and methods 101

Basic Growing Guide:


CFL growing

Outdoor Growing Basics:

Photo's of plant disorders

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Nice, here is some links to her forum where she just happens to be a moderator, trolling for members or what? Not sure what your links have to do with the op's thread on reading the stickies at THIS forum.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows the general info for growing mj is in the stickies but who wants to read, just make a new thread with your question and wait for an answer. (being sarcastic)


Active Member
Nice, here is some links to her forum where she just happens to be a moderator, trolling for members or what? Not sure what your links have to do with the op's thread on reading the stickies at THIS forum.
Not trolling at all-- 1st of all- I WROTE those, and those are the only things I EVER link to-- no need to join or look at anything else to read them... and have helped MANY newbies with them...

2nd- I SAID to ask questions after reading the stickies- Then gave the links-- not as an alternative, but "In addition to" as MANY newbies WON'T Go looking for info-- so by providing SOME, I help out the whole board by keeping those "I don't wanna go look for what I need" newbies from asking questions where there is already info available...

You Paranoid/delusional/an asshole much?
Apropriate avatar dude... you MUST be an EX member over there who I Pissed off huh??? ;)


Well-Known Member
Whut are stickies?? Replies to threads??
Stickies are the threads that stay at the top of the list of threads, that stay there regardless of how long its been since someone posted on them.
Like if you go to the newbie section, the stickies are the ones up top (101 frequently asked questions, slang/dictionary, etc..they say sticky)


Well-Known Member
Yeah but why bother? you can easily get a quicker answer just be asking here. it's time saving! and you'll always get the right answers ;-)
Honestly, sometimes it can take forever for me to get an answer from someone. I have made a couple threads that got plenty of replies but never answered many questions.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Not trolling at all-- 1st of all- I WROTE those, and those are the only things I EVER link to-- no need to join or look at anything else to read them... and have helped MANY newbies with them...

2nd- I SAID to ask questions after reading the stickies- Then gave the links-- not as an alternative, but "In addition to" as MANY newbies WON'T Go looking for info-- so by providing SOME, I help out the whole board by keeping those "I don't wanna go look for what I need" newbies from asking questions where there is already info available...

You Paranoid/delusional/an asshole much?
Apropriate avatar dude... you MUST be an EX member over there who I Pissed off huh??? ;)
Must have struck a nerve, truth hurts huh? I just like to point out the underlying meaning to your post. I only know you from the bad info you spread here.