Everybody wanna talk lights

which really is the best light to use bc im starting to think that HPS is amazing for vegging but warm white is amazing for flowering has anybody ever used both compared to just one bc right now i have one 23watt clf covering all three of my babies..(look at my grow journal b4 u say thats retarted..even tho it is lmfao) but im getting more light i just wanna know which is best bc the t-5 i bought the light bulb broke as soon as i got home from home depot lol so im stuck with this one til i walk back there

but i know
-incandescent light bulbs are USELESS
-CFL cool white is good for vegging but you gotta switch to warm white for flowering...or vice versa you know what i mean lol

but i heard
-100watt cfl dont do good for Yield or Potency:evil:

so i was thinking
-should i just get a new bulb for my t-5
-should i just get a bunch of 23watt bc the lamp im buying fits 6 light bulbs
-or should i just get 2-3 150watt bulbs (but if 100watt doesnt do good for y/p then 150watt probably be worse if you think abt it since 100watt isnt good):eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
CFLs, imho, work awesome for veg. The more the merrier. I run 14 23w for four plants. In flower, as the plant shoots up, the Cfls have a hard time penetrating low enough on the plants. So you don't maximize yield if only lighting from above the plants.

I opted to add some side lighting to get lower light penetration. I looked into using t5 ho for that but didn't want the heat so I got some LEDs. I am hoping that will work but don't know as I am in veg.

Hope that helps and good luck!


Well-Known Member
It's however you want to look at it, any light is going to be better for your plant then no light at all but its common knowledge that the lower end of the spectrum works better for flowering (2200k - 2700k) while the higher end is better for veg state (4200k - 5700k) since each light more or less represents a season of the year. Basically HPS is good for flowering and MH is good for Vegging, but if you notice the opposite than do whatever works best for you.


Well-Known Member
HPS is horrible for veg. Who told you that? You will end up with tall lanky stretched plants. CFL's are great for veg because the kelvin(6500k) plenty of blue to promote short busy plants which is what you want. Metal Halide is OK for veg the kelvin isn't what I would call ideal(5100K) It's more white than blue although you can buy 6500k MH lamps but that are rather difficult to find. I got mine off ebay for $35.


Well-Known Member
HPS isn't "horrible" for veg, I've seen plenty of good looking plants which have been HPS from seed to chop.
so im hearing buy a bunch of cfl for vegging
switch to hps for flowering
that sounds like a plan

but once again i heard that 100watt cfl dont do good for vegging but your probably right the guy that told me that was probably talking abt light penetration for the bottom leaves
so im gunna go with 3x 150watt cfl for vegging
then 2x HPS 1000watt for flowering


Well-Known Member
so im hearing buy a bunch of cfl for vegging
switch to hps for flowering
that sounds like a plan

but once again i heard that 100watt cfl dont do good for vegging but your probably right the guy that told me that was probably talking abt light penetration for the bottom leaves
so im gunna go with 3x 150watt cfl for vegging
then 2x HPS 1000watt for flowering
there's a chance the person you talked to was recommending something other than just one 100W CFL

CFL's or T5/T8's veg great. I know more than one person that switched from vegging under T5's to MH though, but they are producers, not consumers.


Well-Known Member
Use T5's for veg. Better coverage, easier to cool....

Spiral CFL's are inefficient as grow lights.


Active Member
I have used cfl's for veg an T5's also. My node spacing was a lot more compact due to the fact that i could put the clf's closer an where i wanted to. I use an penetrator 336x pro led for flowering.


Active Member
Well I sog 15-20 plants in a cooler all in 12.5oz solo cups. I use 8 250watt spiral cfls cool for veggie warm for flower. They do excellent.
well i sog 15-20 plants in a cooler all in 12.5oz solo cups. I use 8 250watt spiral cfls cool for veggie warm for flower. They do excellent.

if you dont mind i would love to see your plants bc i think im gunna go with that but once again pics will sell me so please help and please be fast bc you have pretty much the best idea for my grow room available and the only thing im worried abt is the yield bc if its not potent then that means i gotta stuff the dutch lmfao


Active Member
i use a 2x4x5 box with 7 CFLs at 125wt. i grow 2 plants at a time and it seems to work just fine for me. i use CFLs from start to finish.