
Active Member
i fucking hate my life I'm almost 20 and haven't been able to score a better job than a fucking cook at a local fast food joint. What makes it worse is that I live in a small town so business is pretty limited, and where I work is the only place that'll hire. I'd get the hell out of this town if I could actually drive too, but I've failed every damn test I've ever taken. I'm socially awkward, even my only other co-worker fucking hates my guts. I have repressed lust for one of my best friends too; she's athletic, smart and a gorgeous southern bell. I love her. You know what it's like; I've been friend zoned real hard. She's my only real friend, besides this one kid, who I'm pretty sure is only hanging around me because he is mentally challenged. I guess he's the only one that can tolerate me. And what makes this all fucking worse is that I live in a fucking pineapple under the sea.

PS. Did not know where to post this and i thought it would fit good here :p
Pass that driving test, take that chick out on a date and get your bff some earmuffs and mittens so he doesn't hurt himself!
I dont know if you read the last line but it says i live in a pinaple under the sea...
this was a joke but really only works for people that know the show "sponge bob square pants" << Google that shit.
My advice; save your money from the cook job. I mean really save even if it is a few dollars a week. When you have enough get some cfls and start growing. Get a hps a bit later when you have saved some more. Then when you have the hang of it all, smoke that shit and grow some more, till your growing enough, then sell the shit and save some more money.

The problem you are having is esentially the one the gov want's you to have. That is to be a slave to the money matrix. If you start saving and stop spending allong with smokeing good shit, your life will start turning around. Also do not fuck up your friendship with the chick by trying to f$#@ her. She is your friend, keep it that way, at least till you did the above and got some more cash. You will feel better about yourself and you wont get so down about your job as you would know that it is not your real job. Your real job is that of a weed farmer. comprende?
hey cuetrott, i think your girl could use her space helmet as a wicked smokin device! course all your neighbors will have to go to her dome just to be able to light one up haha
My advice; save your money from the cook job. I mean really save even if it is a few dollars a week. When you have enough get some cfls and start growing. Get a hps a bit later when you have saved some more. Then when you have the hang of it all, smoke that shit and grow some more, till your growing enough, then sell the shit and save some more money.

The problem you are having is esentially the one the gov want's you to have. That is to be a slave to the money matrix. If you start saving and stop spending allong with smokeing good shit, your life will start turning around. Also do not fuck up your friendship with the chick by trying to f$#@ her. She is your friend, keep it that way, at least till you did the above and got some more cash. You will feel better about yourself and you wont get so down about your job as you would know that it is not your real job. Your real job is that of a weed farmer. comprende?

You want spongebob to grow weed?! :D