everyone read!!!!


Well-Known Member
i was walking home from school today,
and i cut through my neighbors yard, when i ran up on a little pot plant and i ripped it out of the ground (cutting a few roots)

if i put it back in some soil, will it grow its roots back??
or water maybe?

what do i do??

reply quickly pleasee!!!



Well-Known Member
the thing was, like there was no soil around it, it was growing from SOD. and at first i didnt know it was a pot plant. but then i smelled it and thats when i found out.

ive got a small container over it will that help???


Well-Known Member
Take a picture... How old do you think it is, and how big?

I think you shoudl get it in soil and then give it a watering... Spread out the roots too, dont have them too close when you put it in soil


Well-Known Member
its about 5 inches .. id say 2 weeks.
its got a beautiful form looks sativa , i cant now, my cameras in my dads room. but i will when he gets home. when it came out of the ground it had barley any roots left. should i treat it like a clone??


Well-Known Member
I dont exactly know what to do, but what I would do with my knowledge is put it in a cup of soil and then keep spraying the leaves with water. Since it dont have many roots left that shoudl keep it alive. But im no expert, just a guess...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i was walking home from school today,
and i cut through my neighbors yard, when i ran up on a little pot plant and i ripped it out of the ground (cutting a few roots)

You stole your neighbor's plant? You are probably a punk ass 12 year old who doesn't belong on this forum anyway? (walking home from school? I'm guessing 8th grade!)

Regardless.... of your age... you are a fucking thief! I hope the plant dies on you and then I hope your dad finds it in the trash and gives you a BEAT DOWN for having it! Then I hope the neighbor who you stole it from finds out it was you and gives you another beat down and then posts a thread here about it!

:evil: DICK!


Well-Known Member
... i know
but wat does she need.
thats why i posted this

it was growing out of sod, you could tell it wasnt planted by any1... or it wouldnt be in sand.

and florida girl, actually im 18 and a senior.


Well-Known Member
You stole your neighbor's plant? You are probably a punk ass 12 year old who doesn't belong on this forum anyway? (walking home from school? I'm guessing 8th grade!)

Regardless.... of your age... you are a fucking thief! I hope the plant dies on you and then I hope your dad finds it in the trash and gives you a BEAT DOWN for having it! Then I hope the neighbor who you stole it from finds out it was you and gives you another beat down and then posts a thread here about it!

:evil: DICK!


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
... i know
but wat does she need.
thats why i posted this

it was growing out of sod, you could tell it wasnt planted by any1... or it wouldnt be in sand.

and florida girl, actually im 18 and a senior.

Look.... this is a forum of growers... any one of us would be pissed off if someone stole one of our babies.... what on earth were you thinking posting this thread????

Also.... sod and/or sand can be a good growing medium... there are a bunch of threads here about that very subject. So it likely WAS planted by your neighbor.... and you stole it.

Like I said... I hope it dies.... you don't deserve to have it!


Well-Known Member
i didnt even know it was a pot plant a first?
i ripped it up then smelled it, and yeahhh.
the people are old women?? i doubt they would be growing anyways


Well-Known Member
ur over-reacting florida girl.... he clearly judged it wasnt being taken care of... and if it was somone elses... im glad he did take it away from there where it was growing where people could access it... and not only that,... growing in SOD?

Goodjob! now take care of her... and dont make the same mistake and plant it somewhere where maybe kids could get access to it.

I doubt it was put there on purpose... and like i said... if it was im glad u took it... no one else needs to see this growing out in the blue.

Sand medium is not that great. specially natural sod, it contains a lot of salt.

It would prolly die anyway after 2 -3 weeks. the plant would realize that it is not a good enviornment and die.

Look.... this is a forum of growers... any one of us would be pissed off if someone stole one of our babies.... what on earth were you thinking posting this thread????

Also.... sod and/or sand can be a good growing medium... there are a bunch of threads here about that very subject. So it likely WAS planted by your neighbor.... and you stole it.

Like I said... I hope it dies.... you don't deserve to have it!


Well-Known Member
put it in some nuetral soil... foxfarms if u have access to a hydro store.

keep a close eye on it because its in shock right now... put it in some moist soil for now and put a light over it.. or keep it in the back yard.

When it survives and shows of progress... let us know and ill tell u what to do.. so the plant can thrive

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i didnt even know it was a pot plant a first?
i ripped it up then smelled it, and yeahhh.
the people are old women?? i doubt they would be growing anyways

:wall: OMFG!!!!! So you trespass.... see a plant and rip it up to smell it... and then run off with it? What if it was a tomato plant you had ripped up from grannies yard? What the fuck gives you the right to rip up anything on someone elses property?

Old women live there? SO THE FUCK WHAT! Maybe their kid or grandkid or niece or nephew planted it. The point is it wasn't yours to take! You trying to justify it is only making it worse.... but by all means... keep on digging.... you'll be in china soon!



Well-Known Member
well ive grown before but ive never been in this situation,
its in a pot with a clear container over it ( keppin it humid).
but alright ill have a pic of it later on


Well-Known Member
shut up if your not going to say something nice dont fucking reply then!!!
all i asked is how to take care of it while its in shock..