According to the write up, he has God's gift. Seems like an unfair advantage. I've seen lots of videos of autistic performers who don't claim to have God on their side too. Here's one at random:
The video of the drummer does not mention any God - just an autistic dude with some talent. Hell, I can't even do that. If you think God is behind it, good for you! The video is not some atheistic rant or propaganda. It is just an autistic dude with some talent. If you are Pagan or Buddhist or Atheist or whatever, it doesn't matter. It is just an autistic dude with some talent.
By the way, I am, perhaps ironically, listening to the Blind Boys of Alabama sing Amazing Grace. They weren't autistic as far as I know, but they were blind. This is also a religious song. Yet it doesn't feel like religious propaganda to me, an atheist music lover. I'm not comparing them to some 10 year old boy, but it what it is.