Exact Nutrient Requirement


Active Member
Is there anyone out there who has some sort of diagram of the spesific nutrient needs throughout the life cycle of the plant. I live in a farming comunity where hydroponic feeds are redily available, bu they are for vegies and citrus. They also come in bulk, but are very cheap because of that. What I need is some detailed info on what to feed my plants in my flood and drain system. Any advice will be apreciated thanx


Active Member
Thank you, this looks like it will solve my problem. These guys can mix the feed as I require it, but obviously I can't say what it's for, whick makes it important to ask for the right thin for there can be no advice from them


Active Member
It became very popular in SA and I managed to get some of the seeds. Was just wondering how far it's popularity has spread. It kinda got stuck when the grower got snatched by the pigs. Bloody good weed