exciting times soon 1st grow


Well-Known Member
hi exciting times going on here but now nearing the time of harvest not sure when to actually do it

plants r @ day 44 flowering 12/12 16 nov,started noticing the plants beefing up a bit now,pistils are browning off ,crystals r clear with lots going cloudy no amber as yet just started 1st flush with molasses,unless they start looking poorly wont give no more nutes

ive added a few picks

roughly how long now do i have from info above,does above sound good the flushing part how aften should i flush?
thanks for any input



Well-Known Member
you should be looking at 8 or 9 weeks strain dependant, looks very nice, around 80 percent brown hairs is good, also depends on what sort of hit you want, get going with molasses to beef them buds up and make taste sweet


Well-Known Member
those look like they might need some more time they should fatten up more before you harvest...just wait for the amber and you'll be good


Well-Known Member
put a couple tea spoons molasses to gal of water every other water, just water as needed,expect yellow leaves its natural and keep dry when heading for chop .


Well-Known Member
thanks ill wait for ambers buds just started fattening up have noticed in last couple days
not even sure where ill be drying these next worry