Exhaust Setup Question

T.C. Bosby

Well-Known Member
This is an embarrassing question, but I'll ask it anyway. This is for a 3' x 3' x 6' tent with a 6 inch exhaust sock.

How exactly do you setup an exhaust with an air filter? Can the fan be mounted and then connected directly to the filter which in turn connects to the exhaust sock? Or do I need a duct?

Also while I have your attention, does this seem like a decent fan with speed controller? (http://growershouse.com/active-air-in-line-fan-6-inch-fan-400-cfm)

Thank you!
that one should do the job. regarding the filter. I place mine up high at a far corner to draw air into the tent. You do not have to use ducting, but it helps. Filter into fan, fan into muffler, and duct out of space. peace
You should circulate the air out of your room with new air at least 3 times a minute. You have 54 cubic feet in total. Your fan has 400 cfm rating. 400/54 is 7.4 times a minute so I'd recommend getting a dimmer or speed controller because that fan might get really loud at max w/o a muffler. You might need ducting depending on if you're fam and filter will overlap with your lights on the ceiling of your tent.