Exhausting into a toilet?

Hello all

Just wondering what your thoughts are on exhausting into a toilet are?
Could it be a viable option or could things go wrong and get shitty?
I dont have many options for exhausting in my bathroom grow, so if I drain my toilet Im hoping that would be a good place for my hot air to go?

:hump:Peace :)


Well-Known Member
water in the pipes will not allow it.

if you drain the water sewer gases will permeate your domicile.


Well-Known Member
In order for that idea to work, you would need to be constantly flushing to create a vacuum to draw the exhaust out.


Well-Known Member
Would probably be best to pull the toilet and just run the duct right to the drain pipe. Get a $2 wax ring next time you're at home depot for when you want to put the toilet back on. Assuming you have another bathroom...

Where does the bathroom fan vent to?
Ok Toilet option doesnt sound good. If I just exhausted into my bathroom, will that be ok? The shower cubicle is the grow room, fresh air is coming in via ducting from a gap in the toilet window (separate toilet off the bathroom) My only concern there is that the hot air passively escaping through the same crack in the window where the fresh air is coming in will end up getting sucked back into the grow room as its trying to escape? Any thoughts/ideas?


Well-Known Member
are you filtering? Just get a hole saw and cut a whole in the ceiling and vent like that. When your done just mount a ceiling fan plate over it so it looks nice again.


Ursus marijanus
are you filtering? Just get a hole saw and cut a hole in the ceiling and vent like that. When [you're] done just mount a ceiling fan plate over it so it looks nice again.
If he lives on the fifth floor of an eight-floor building, that might have consequences. cn