Experience with Hydrated Lime?


Does have anyone have experience with Hydrated Lime to QUICKLY raise PH?

I have a 5 gal pot and have been having pH issues for weeks. She clearly has CAL-MAG def, and some other stuff going on. The girl is set to be harvested in probably 3 weeks. I had pH 5.8 runoff a few weeks back, flushed with 6.8 water, twice. Yesterday runoff was 5.7. I don't have time for dolomite. What's the point of top dressing with powdered dolomite if im chopping her in 3 weeks - as far as I understand, dolomite takes at least that long to stabilize pH? I understand its more potent and is harder to work with. I just need to know how much. 1/2 tsp, 1 tsp for gallon? I placed an online order for some at Ace Hardware but the pics/product description dont have any information on application rates.


Well-Known Member
I use food-grade hydrated lime in my fertlizer formulas. The values run from 1.5 to 3.8% of the dry salts total weight. I'm thinking of switching to potassium hydroxide, which I've read has 8 times more alkalizing power. The dissolved lime seems to layer itself on the bottom of the gallon jugs I use, I always have to shake it before using.


Well-Known Member
Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime)has to stay in motion at a certain velocity to remain in suspension. It’ll blind you and burn your skin. Careful. Worked with it for 27 years. Nasty stuff. It will raise pH and add calcium.


Well-Known Member
If you have low ph and cal/mag issues just add dolomite lime and give cal/mag foliar feedings until the dolomite lime breaks down. Dolomite lime raises soil ph and is cal/mag nutrient.

Cal/mag isn't really available in ph that low raise your ph it'll probably start looking better.

