Experimental Light Timings


Has anyone had any positive results using different light timings? I was wondering what would happen if you halved the usual times, for example 6hrs on and 6hrs off during the flowering stage. I know plants need time to do their stuff but wouldn't they adjust? If not how about 24hrs on and 24hrs off...


Well-Known Member
To be frank, I have no clue what would happen. The idea is to mimic the natural light cycle as a plant would have it outside in its lifetime. I think it'd really screw with the circadian rhythm of the plants.


Well-Known Member
well if you gonna test different cycles you must has well try 24 hours on and 24 hours off, I think that would be an interesting cycle haha 24 hours of a shit load of energy then a whole 24 hours in the dark to build roots


Well-Known Member
I have vegged with GLR but had problems with kushage and blue god flowering in veg. Other strsins fine.

Ran 16-8 and og kush flowers.


For fuck's sake.

Are you?

We didn't know weed tasted good until we wrapped it up and smoked it. Experimenting is the reason we have come so far. No thanks to you I would assume....


Well-Known Member
I remember reading a book years ago...about growing sativas. The guy (and I'm thinking it was Reeferman) messed around and developed timing cycles to optimise sativa grows. And it involved changing the cycle within a grow too.

But always within a 24 hour cycle.


New Member
Regularly I don't make comments on websites however i will need to point out that this particular post genuinely forced me to take some action. Very brilliant content


Well-Known Member
Regularly I don't make comments on websites however i will need to point out that this particular post genuinely forced me to take some action. Very brilliant content
more like retarded content. i think the op is finshaggy's 2nd account.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Yes there is a schedule you can use in flower stage which gives you 25% more light and the plant still flower and does not to back to veg stage. this schedule really works!!! let me know it you want it


Well-Known Member
if your serious about the 6 on and 6 off in flower. why not do 1 hour on and 1 our off. and they could have light every other hour ? ( herm the fuck out of them ether way) if you don't have steady light. cant wake a plant up like that.


Yes there is a schedule you can use in flower stage which gives you 25% more light and the plant still flower and does not to back to veg stage. this schedule really works!!! let me know it you want it

Can you post it? That sounds interesting. I've always wondered what 15-17hr light and 12hr dark schedule would do for the plants. More light hours but still getting 12 hrs sleep uninterrupted. It would need an damn intricate timer or I see it being a true pain in the ass to flip that schedule manually, and it would change daily because 15+12=27hr schedule. But if the result was explosive growth over about 8wks it would be worth it I guess.


shaggyballs906326 said:
not what you asked for but you may like it!

12/1 lighting--Any truth or banana in the tail pipe?

Thank you. I've often wondered what a more natural light cycle might do for my plants. I've always done the 18/6 to 24+ dark to 12/12 transitions. This most recent grow, I dropped an hour every day or two until I reached 12/12. I made too many other changes so unfortunately I wont know if the slower transition will play a roll.
Some opinions that I have seen state its a waste of time and just pushes forward your harvest date. But what if you start a -15 mins a day schedule the moment you see that taproot pop out of your cutting. For someone who vegges their clones for a few weeks before flower, this might work. Slowly reducing your light in veg into flower. . Hmm...idk it just a thought, like I said.
I'm gonna go have a brownie. Maybe I'll have another thought!


I meant to add, that link is interesting. I'm going to look into that deeper. As much as I've wondered about more natural light cycles, I've wondered just as much about light cycles that are scheduled by only what the pland needs for those day and night hours.