Experimental Oxygen

Ok I am just thinking out loud or out typing ... So I was hoping to get other peoples opinions on this.
Most people use co2 for the plants but what about the roots, Can we modify the oxygen levels?
Seeing roots use oxygen. ( of course), What do you think about sealing off a pot , soil and all.(As best as possible with the plant in it) . Then running a concentrated oxygen in to the the pot at set intervals or at a set normal/concentrated air mix. Pretty much make a bubble out of plastic and pipe in some o2 from one of those oxygen tanks that elderly people tote around. Their would be a inlet for the o2 and a outlet which you could water from as well.
I think it is the mad scientist in me that wants to know anything about this.

Also if using hydro or aeroponics you could pipe it right in to the bucket.
I too have pondered this question. I would think the added o2 would stimulate soil biology. May be more beneficial in an organic grow vs synthetic.


Well-Known Member
o2 is required in your buckets with Hydro. A Stone in each one 24/7.

What about using H2O2 to water your soil? That would add some o2.


Well-Known Member
i use a fishtank pump to pump oxygen into nute water. not sure if it does anything.n h2h0 will kill plants without knowing how or how much.