expert opinion?


Active Member
so heres my plant stats
water ph: 6.5
1/4 table spoon epsom salts(MgSO4-7H20) per gallon
1/4 strength 20-20-20 plant mix w/ micro-nutrients

i just dont know whats wrong with my plant, help me!
the problem is only on the lower leaves, just the fans. at first it will be a little yellow between veins, then brown and finally crispy and dead.



Well-Known Member
yea way to much salt what stage of growth are u in flowering? if so then way to much salt specially if close to harvest


Active Member
I had a similar case one time but never knew if i should just trim the fan leaves that were fucked or just leave them


Active Member
i use the epsom salt for magnesium and sulfur. thing is though, i started using the salts well after the problem began. i thought that it looked alot like magnesium deficiency. 1/4 tablespoon per a gallon is what ive typically seen as a recommended concentration for mg deficiency, so im just going by them. so the general consensus is that im over feeding then? and no, no ozone generator.


Well-Known Member
flush the plant it under running water for like 10 mins to flush out some of that salt...doesnt the plants root naturally make salt? i remember seeing that on the ready-set-grow dvd set..plants gonna die if the roots cant absorb any nutes bcuz of the salt build up...


New Member
You don't say what you're using for a soil mix. Here's a good one for next time:

2 parts Shultz's Potting Soil Plus.

1 part Perlite.

1 part Vermeculite.

1 part Worm Castings.

Add one SMALL handful of Granulated Dolimite Lime per each two gallons of soil mix.

You should be able to get everything listed above from your local nursery.

For fertilizers use:

Vegging: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.
Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster" 10-30-20.

Here's where to order the fertilizers via mail:

Good luck ...
