Experts please advise..


Active Member
Its only june 14th my plants are 3 feet, look healthy to my eye but are flowering early.. Can anyone tell me the fate of these plants? Its some kind of Afgani Strain.. 1st timer S Cali.. Legal medical grow.. These are from clones and dont think they will go back into Veg.DSCF1316.jpgDSCF1317.jpg


Active Member
Was just wondering if they looked healthy? And since they are flowering so early if that would hurt the plant or stunt them?

Thanx for any replies, Super Newbie sorry if I ask any dumb questions.. I did a bit of reading to head myself on the right track but now in new territory, since i thought they would flower much later august or so...

I understand I moved them outside to quickly..


Active Member
Thanx.. Was wondering if theyre to far along to go back.. Thanx so no need to change anything or add anything?


Well-Known Member
just start watching for mutant leafs on top thats a sign that they are reveging you will also start to see all the buds start growing stems. Mine are just starting to pull out of the early budding.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see this. Actually it will most likely hurt your yield and quality big time. From how much they are budding right now you are probably a good 2-4 weeks away from revegging IF they reveg at all. Then that leaves you with very little actual veg time before they flower again... What has happended to me in the past the buds would start to stretch and get really airy and just be overall crap with nothing very solid. If they do reveg soon enough you could get some decent buds off them. Have had this happen to me 3 times outdoors and it severely hurt them every time. If you really want the to reveg you should stick a little CFL bulb over them so they get 24 hours of light. Even then revegging can take a good 3 weeks to really happen. Might be better off bringing the plants inside last few hours of light every day if they are in pots so they keep blooming. I feel your pain. Had it happen to about 10 plants last year. Yield was 1/2 of the others and the buds were VERY airy.

Good luck and sorry


Well-Known Member
NM I see they are in pots. Gives you a lot more options atleast. Heed my warning though. you might get very dissapointing results if left out like that this time of year. MY guess is you went from indoors with lots of light then stuck them outdoors and they switched.


Active Member
They have been outside since about may 15, They started flowering about a week ago .. Oddly the plants are still growing and making new leaves with 5-7 blades. But there are no mutant leaves... Looks like im to far in to do anything at this point, they are just over 3 feet now? What do you think I might get off these plants if they dont re-veg at all?


Active Member
NM I see they are in pots. Gives you a lot more options atleast. Heed my warning though. you might get very dissapointing results if left out like that this time of year. MY guess is you went from indoors with lots of light then stuck them outdoors and they switched.
Shoot I went from Happy to disappointed real quick.. I did move them out to quickly, next year wont make that mistake... But they have been out for a month now, some people are saying it happens to all their plants, while others are telling me to get them under lights.. But the majority are saying just leave them alone.. Since its impossible for me to get them under lights nature will have to take it course..


Looks fantastic, congrats and good luck... I would just let them run their course maybe add some nutrients for nourishment if necessary but your looking good so far


Well-Known Member
This is by far the latest I've seen revegging in central California and I've been doing this a very long time.

They WILL reveg and you'll get a nice yield.

Sometimes you just need to let nature do her thing.

Most plants will veg for about six weeks longer before going into flower, about August 1st.

After this year's experience, I intend to use supplemental lights to increase day length, next Spring, to insure that this doesn't happen again.

I figure I'll be 20%-30% short of last year's (huge) yield.


Active Member
Thank you so much everyone for your replies.. Im going with just let them be!! Ill update photos.. As things move along!!


Well-Known Member
This is by far the latest I've seen revegging in central California and I've been doing this a very long time.

They WILL reveg and you'll get a nice yield.

Sometimes you just need to let nature do her thing.

Most plants will veg for about six weeks longer before going into flower, about August 1st.

After this year's experience, I intend to use supplemental lights to increase day length, next Spring, to insure that this doesn't happen again.

I figure I'll be 20%-30% short of last year's (huge) yield.
Problem is his are NOT revegging yet. They could take 3-4 weeks to reveg at all giving him almost no real veg time. Everyone told me to let nature do its thing last year too and I got bigger yields out of 15 gallon containers that didnt bloom early then I did on 45 gallons that bloomed early and revegged just in time to bloom again . KILLED the yield and quality. Good luck OP.


Well-Known Member
I think that you're good to go, your plants look healthy and should grow normally and revert back to full veg. I've got plants going right now that are 2 years old that I've harvested and revegged like 3X! The smizzy is not affected negatively in any way that I can tell. In fact the plants seem to be even more potent than when I first grew them out from clones. Also I've noticed that the buds have a more fruity smell to them than when the plants were first harvested. View attachment 999250
just a bit of what I got from dem bia"z!


Active Member
Did you have them inside under lights that stay on longer than the sun is out? If so it may have tricked the plant into thinking it's already changing seasons. It'll recover.