Expungement of past weed offenses in legal states


Well-Known Member
I was reading an article on msn today about expungement of past misdemeanor offenses related to marijuana or it’s derivatives and how the governor of South Dakota vetoed the bill and pushed it back to the senate. Though I understand what she is saying when she says past offenses can’t be expunged due to the fact that people can lie about past criminal offenses when it was still deemed illegal I understand her logic and how it would create a major legal precedent in the justice system of that state and many others. But in truth wouldn’t it be the right thing to do as you have now recognized the value and importance of that product (marijuana) you should recognize your past flaws and points as being mute and move forward to correct those convictions. I have past offenses and though I only live in a medical state I still feel steps should be taken to correct past records and expunge said offenses related to weed as they are deemed a nonviolent or unimportant offense. It seems this country does everything it can to save face and back pedal on its previous mistakes regarding race or religion or lacks of freedom but anything related to the expungement of criminal offenses due to current logic and understanding seems to fall upon deaf ears I’m for the expungement of marijuana offenses and it derivatives. How do you feel?
The Bill the Democrats have thats pending in Congress EXPUNGES ALL NONVIOLENT FELONY MARIJUANA CONVICTIONS, INCLUDING FEDERAL CRIMES., and also allows those serving Felony/Federal Convictions can petition the courts for RESSENTENCING.

Most reTHUGliKLANS are against the bill.