Extreme Curling of leaves since flipping. Different Light bulb??

dark leaf

Well-Known Member
Ever since they were flipped and fed with bud blood 6 days ago they have been curling and lack of vigor and growth, mainly(started) in new growth. Water and soil test pretty much neutral(Hair over 7) on a cheap soil meter and litmus paper. Has any one here seen anything like this? I tried flushing the two worst with not much of a change to them:-?

Now the odd thing...I swapped the 250w MH bub for the 250w HPS bulb when they were flipped and added a LED GlowPanel 45. When I came home today the 250w hps had burnt out, only about 7 days of flowering on it total??? Could this bulb of been causing the curling of the leaves by some crazy chance or was it just a bad bulb, no bare hand touched it. I guess we'll see how the LED does on its own, it seems dim in there now haha.

Please some any thoughs on what is going on in there.

Few Notes:
Sunshine mix 4 Aprrox 30% Perlite
GH Flora
Nuetral tap water left out.
Low 80's during the day, bout 50% RH since I got the dehumidifier:)
60's during the night.
Water when pot is light(some run off), seems to take a while, pots hold 3.3g of soil.

Now the good part...kinda. Sorry for the odd colour of the LED's.



Well-Known Member
I've had the same problem, myself, and still haven't figured out exactly what is causing it, although it seems to be related to the lights, somehow. Mine started doing it at the end of veg(at about 22"), and the ones that are under 5000K fluoros were alot worse than the plants under 6500K(I was doing a spectrum comparison) , but, when I put them on 12/12, the problem cleared up as soon as they started stretching. The new growth is fine. I also transplanted them as they went on 12/12(not ideal, but I didn't have any choice). Hmm....

Claw-like leaves are usually a sign of too much nitrogen, but, I know that's not the cause of this particular problem, because my plants had never been fed(1 gallon pots, FF soil). The leaves were still dark-colored too, so there was no obvious deficiency. One thing I noticed, is that the leaves under the 5000K were a darker green than the plants under the 6500K, whicle vegging. Strange, but it seems that the spectrum caused it.

That's the 2nd time I've had this happen, and i still haven't pin-pointed the problem, so can't fix it for ya. I've also had it happen in early bloom, and it was always on the plants that weren't getting the most intense light, plants around the edges of the growroom, etc.....so I'm not sure if it's caused by the lights alone, or a combo of lights and minor nute deficiency/s. Hmm.....

IDK man, I wish I could help more than that. All I can tell ya, is that you're not crazy, 'cause it's happens. :lol:

The investigation continues.......

Brick Top

New Member
Maybe I missed it in your post but what strain are you growing and what breeder did it come from?

The reason I ask is a while back I had a somewhat similar problem that I was never able to figure out during the grow. I wanted to try some Green House Seeds Neville’s Haze to see how it compared to the original.

Every plant had leaves that curled the same, as in ‘the claw,’ but on one it would happen on the top, on the new growth, and on another it would only be the middle leaves and others were only on the bottom leaves and on none of the plants did it spread beyond where it began. The curled leaves did not die, they just looked like crap and likely only partially performed their functions. I did not seem to lose much growth/vigor, the plants still turned out great so it left me stumped as to the cause.

Everything checked out right, I did not alter anything, I used all the same products I have used for years and I carefully measured everything just as I always did. It did not make any sense due to how it hit the plants in different areas, top, middle, bottom, and then did not spread from where it began on any of the plants.

During the following grow I might have stumbled on what the cause was in my case ... maybe ... and it might have been nutritional. I used Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom in flower. During the following grow when my Tiger Bloom was down to about a third of a container I as normal shook it to mix it before use and heard something tapping. It turned out that there was a rock-like bit of solidified nutrients in the Tiger Bloom, it had evidently sat long enough to settle and solidify. Possibly due to that there was some lack of needed nutrition during the grow with the odd acting 'claw.'

I have only run across it, the solidified nutes thing, once since but now I always pour my new nutes through a strainer into another container when I receive them and if I find more solidified bits I will break them up and make sure they stay broken up/mixed up to assure a proper mixture/ratio of nutes in the fertilizer solution for feeding.


Well-Known Member
Ever since they were flipped and fed with bud blood 6 days ago they have been curling and lack of vigor and growth, mainly(started) in new growth. Water and soil test pretty much neutral(Hair over 7) on a cheap soil meter and litmus paper. Has any one here seen anything like this? I tried flushing the two worst with not much of a change to them:-?

Now the odd thing...I swapped the 250w MH bub for the 250w HPS bulb when they were flipped and added a LED GlowPanel 45. When I came home today the 250w hps had burnt out, only about 7 days of flowering on it total??? Could this bulb of been causing the curling of the leaves by some crazy chance or was it just a bad bulb, no bare hand touched it. I guess we'll see how the LED does on its own, it seems dim in there now haha.

Please some any thoughs on what is going on in there.

Few Notes:
Sunshine mix 4 Aprrox 30% Perlite
GH Flora
Nuetral tap water left out.
Low 80's during the day, bout 50% RH since I got the dehumidifier:)
60's during the night.
Water when pot is light(some run off), seems to take a while, pots hold 3.3g of soil.

Now the good part...kinda. Sorry for the odd colour of the LED's.
Either the ph is way off, or excess nitrogen..

dark leaf

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies guys, the 2/3 look even worse today:(

blahblahblah: With my soil meter it checked out as just over 7(not to sure on how accurate it is?), however I do have some ph down coming and am going to try and get it down to 6.5 next watering.

jawbrodt: I was also thinking to much N, but since the flushing didn't really help any I'm begining to wonder.

lieuser: I'm REALLY hoping the 250w HPS light with only about 80hrs on it(burnt out) was throwing a crazy spectrum causing this. The LED is gonna have to cut it for another few days. I have a Plant Max 250w HPS coming. My ph is a bit above 7 with my cheap soil meter, I'm thinking it could be locking out Zinc, Iron, and Magneseium(Or simply lacking). I foliar fed(one plant) with some 20-20-20 that has the above in chelated form, I'll let you know how it goes.

Brick Top: The strain is Fem. LSD from Barney Farms, all 3 germinated and sprouted, but all have always been very different, the biggest and most healthy is now one of sick ones(the one that was topped), and the runt is now the best.

CLOSETGROWTH: The Ph is a bit above 7, could that be high enough to block out Zinc, Iron, and Mag.??? Nitrogen was what I was thinking but since flushing the 2 sickly ones didn't help. I foliar fed one with 20-20-20(Chelated Zinc, Fe, Mg)

I'M STUMPED!!...First inside grow...I like the sun...but it'll soon be right:)


Active Member
Same thing happened with my buddy's grow when he switched to 12/12 and from a 400w Mh to 400w Sunmaster Warm deluxe bulb. He ran out of ph strips, and possibly jacked his ph all to hell with a full-strength feeding of fish emulsion and (I think) too much baking soda for ph (shitty eyeball). But we still arent sure. He flushed with phed water, first following watering was with 1/2 strength micros and 1/2 strength bloom. Now is feeding full bloom nutes every other watering since stems are purple. Might help?

New growth isn't curled, most curled leaves are kinda back to norm after week two. Some arent.

dark leaf

Well-Known Member
Yah during th flip is when the change began, but weird that it was only in the 2 of the 3 plants.

mikebass1, there watered, the 2 were flushed a few days ago.