Extremely small pc growbox!


Hi all,

I'm new here this is my first post. I recently build a PC growbox, I had to use one of the smallest pc cabinets available because the place that I need to put the growbox its very limited. The pc its just 15'' x 7'' x 16'' ( 380 x 180 x 410mm for those on metric ) L x W x H.

To build it was no problems at all, I actually have a cnc machine so I could cut all the parts on from thin wood to make the fan light traps, light and electronics conectors and cooler power supply etc, it actually cut the rear fan outake hole to look like a pc power supply ( see on pic ), also I have some electronics experience so I could make it everything really close together and small without loosing any space since I could not waste because I had such a small pc box to work with.

I run 4 x 27 watt CFL ( still not growing doing tests first ) and 2 intake fans and 2 outake... Outakes on the rear top intake one in front of the CFLs and the other one a little bit lower then the center ( see pics ). 80mm fans

Here in Brazil where I leave its hot, most of the readings I did say to grow between 20 to 24º C ( 68 to 74º F ). But here the temperature of my house its sometimes above that during the day, right now at night is 74º F...

So my growbox is getting hot not too much not hot to the touch and when I put my hand inside It is hot but not as the hottest days I have seen here.

So I measured the temperature and I am getting about 98º F inside the pc growbox after like 4 hours on.

Will I be able to grow in this temp?

Sorry for the huge text

Thanks in advance for anyone who helps



Wow... crazy, a dude just reply to my thread and I repplied back but its not here now??? What happened?

Well still... I just bought a 3rd intake cooler 38CFM i changed with the one in front of the lights and opened a hole on the botom. Now it got a lot cooler more because the fan I was using I think it was more for exaust since it was quiet low rpm and just 23cfm. I'm getting temps of 87º F. Will I be able to grow with this temperature?

Also how do I know whats the acctually temperature inside the box, since a pc case its to small to me fit in and look the thermometer? I'm taking measurements right in front of the hottest outake cooler...

To lower even more the temp do I invest on more powerful intake fans or outtake? Looks like the intake helped a lot but maybe it was because it were right in front of the light, if I change the bottom ones for a more powerful it might dont change anythings....


Well-Known Member
Hey that dude was me, lol. Just to repost what i said, that's a nice setup. Very neat and clean looking. But those temps you mentioned were really high, but looks as though your taking steps to correct that. You raised a concern about getting proper temp readings. What you can get is a temp reader and just stick it directly in the grow space inside. here is an example: http://www.zeroenergydesign.com/JPGS/Temperature and Humidity Monitor.JPG

Also, to give yourself an idea of what the temps will be with the plants in there, stick something in there that is roughly the same size as you want the plants to be. Getting temp readings without anything in there gives a good base idea of what to expect, but with something in there imitating the limited airflow the plant would create will give you a more accurate reading for what it will be when your actually growing so you can adjust your means of cooling accordingly. 87 is alot better than in the 90's, but still pushing it. Optimal temps would be around 78 F.