Eyeclops and Trichomes


I just used an Eyeclops (http://gifts.barnesandnoble.com/search/product.asp?r=1&EAN=720634608563&cm_mmc=Google Product Search-_-Q000000630-_-Toys games-_-720634608563&ourl=Toys-games/Eyeclops-Multi-Zoom) to check my trichomes. I do not have a microscope, but I bought this eyeclops last year at a rummage sale for 5 bucks.

Here is what I can tell you about it.

Pros - plenty of zoom (magnification)
could see EXACTLY what was going on (I'm 7 weeks into flower) and +90% of the triches are clear.

Cons - display from my Eyeclops was black and white only. Can definetly see if they are cloudy or clear - but color, obviously, is another matter.

I never used a microscope for THIS function, but IMO the Eyeclops was awesome. If you can find one cheap (your kid, or a friend has one - borrow it) I would say try it.