Ez Clone Taking forever, worried


Active Member
I am on the seventh day of cloning and there are no signs of roots. The plants look healthy, show no signs of brown or yellow, and are perky not droopy. I used a razor blade and clonex to take the cuttings. I did this quickly so no oxygen would get in the stem. Im using liquid karma in the water at half the recommended amount. Both pumps are on 24/7.

I think ive done everything right, but there are still no roots. Does anyone know if this is normal?


Active Member
Will changing the water make any difference?

It's difficult where it is at to do while cloning, so if not I'd rather not have to cycle the water.

But if the liquid karma is causing slow rooting i want to change it. The stem tips are still pretty stiff so i don't think there are too many pathogens in the water.

I just don't know why people would say they get results in 3-6 days, and mine is already breached their results with nothing to show.

If anyone has had a similar experience or has an idea what might be going on please comment.


Active Member
No more worries! The clones have all started rooting, which means if they prevail my first attempt will yield 100% success with this machine. They took nine days to show, but at least they are doing well. There are no signs of yellowing or wilting still, and the plants seem to be standing taller.

Will post pictures before i finally pot them.