EZ- Cloner 60

I'm buying an e-z cloner and don't what to add to the water to make it good. I heard either clonex solution or gel, but i don't know how much or which one to add. Do i need anything else?


Well-Known Member
You should just build your own cloner. You really don't even need to put anything in it but if you use gel just dip the stem in it so it just coats the tip it doesn't take much at all. Never used clonex solution but I think its around 100 ml?


Well-Known Member
click my name and read the thread called "success first time cloning" and search around for any other information. that ez cloner cost like $300.my cloner cost me about 30-40 bucks including the pump. just buy a tub tape it if its see through. cut holes in the lid for the plants . cut a small hole for the tube from the pump to the stone just above your water level. its really easy to build and it works fine. there is absolutly no reason to spend 300 dollars on that thing. my dwc cloner works great if you want to build an aeroponic cloner (thats what that ez cloner is) just look around here a popular example is the one built by stink bud. just look up stink buds threads and find the one about building the cloner. 300 dollars is a rip off, it works good but can easily be built for a lot cheaper.