F3 x F4?

So, kinda oddball question. I do not know how it would turn out nor am I a geneticist. I have been breeding a favorite of mine and on the F4Gen. right now. I did have an F3 that now looks far superior to the F4s. Not sure what happened this year its been crazy outside here in the East. TONS of rain and storms, the F4s are not doing nearly as well. I have fresh pollen off my best F4. The lonely F3 is superior in looks. Should I breed it back? or stay with the F4s to get my finalized F5?
So, kinda oddball question. I do not know how it would turn out nor am I a geneticist. I have been breeding a favorite of mine and on the F4Gen. right now. I did have an F3 that now looks far superior to the F4s. Not sure what happened this year its been crazy outside here in the East. TONS of rain and storms, the F4s are not doing nearly as well. I have fresh pollen off my best F4. The lonely F3 is superior in looks. Should I breed it back? or stay with the F4s to get my finalized F5?
If you are seeing traits in your F4 generation you don't like don't breed it. But is it one trait you've been working isolating, strengthening or a general dissatisfaction, sorry your post isn't clear enough? It depends on what your goals are what choices you should make.