Fabric Pots, reuse or discard ?


Well-Known Member
I now have a large assortment of 3-5-7 gallon fabric pots that started as inside grows and ended up outside after harvest. Instead of discarding them I would like to reuse (inside) if anyone has a “decent” method of sterilizing them? Blue Dawn wash and dry? Mama says no to washing machine so im eff’ed there? Microwave? What are yall doing? Tia !!!
I now have a large assortment of 3-5-7 gallon fabric pots that started as inside grows and ended up outside after harvest. Instead of discarding them I would like to reuse (inside) if anyone has a “decent” method of sterilizing them? Blue Dawn wash and dry? Mama says no to washing machine so im eff’ed there? Microwave? What are yall doing? Tia !!!
Don't waste them. Wash in a bucket with soap and bleach. Sun dry. I re-use mine all the time.
Edit to say I forgot to mention to rinse them after the wash.
You can Sterilize/Disinfect them by dipping them in a AG 200ppm HOCl solution & Air drying them. This will Guarantee that no Pathogens or spores will be left hiding in the fabric !
i Put them in the washing machine with a cup of white vinegar…good as new
Does Vinegar Disinfect/Sterilize fabric ?? [Me thinks not] Neutral AG-Anolyte does & it is on EPA list N !
Not All HOCl is the same..... This one is specifically made for Agriculture/Horticulture from Potassium Chloride Salt KCL, & is Sodium-Free so when it dissipates/reverts back to its 2 ingredients you get water & macro-nutrient K fertilizer boost. [No Rinsing required]
It is the Organic Go-To solution for Master Class Growers who are tending 3000-4000 plants [with strict IPM protocols] in the Legalized Cannabis Grows around the World!
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I’ve been doing this for 15+ years and have never had a problem.The salts are totally removed with the vinegar and a hot wash.
Sorry, I was multitasking w/ US EPA about IPM for Legalized Commercial Cannabis Organic Pathogen remediation & thought u were OP, [at quick glance ur avatar looked alike].
I was responding to the OP Ask for Sterilization.
Vinegar & Hot water is good to remove Salts but in this Day & Age The Regulators & Public need a lifeline to deal with Pesticide-Free solutions before they allow MSO Corporations to peddle Contaminated Cannabis in their expensive Dispensaries that poison the customer base.:cool::bigjoint: