FaCultGen's Grow:White Russian,bag seed, and soon MK-Ultra


Well-Known Member
So i figure it's about time to start my grow log,

I've been a member hear at RIU for a couple months now and I've learned alot and made some friends and I just want to thank you all for all your advice and help.

So this is what i have going:

I plan on doing a SOG in a DWC, clones streight to flowering.

I built a 4 foot by 4 foot by 2 foot box for veging, it's not built very well and it's not light proof along the cracks, but what ever, it's for veg and lights of is at night mostly anyway. In it i have a 4 foot long 4 bulb T5 and mylar on the walls. I have a humidome for seedlings and clones and I have built 4 small DWC so i can keep mothers. I have a small 6 inch fan inside to move air around and a 6 inch inline fan and some ducting to exsaust along with some 2 inch holes at the bottom fo intake/cords/air hoses etc.

But anyway, I have some bagseeds going that cracked like 10 days ago or so, they look great and are very healthy, i don't really know what i'm gonna do with them, possibly throw them in the flowering room just to test temps and what not before the good plants go in.
For good plants I have 6 White Russian seedlings that are each about a week from cracking they are also in great shape so far aside from a little streaching. Soon (as in mebey 7-10 days) I will also have some MK-Ultra seedlings strating but am still waiting arival. The WR was in it's original packaging.

My flowering room i will explain when the time comes due to it's still under construction.

Hear are some pics,



Well-Known Member
OK so... well its been about 10 days since i updated (mainly cause my internet is fucked up bad and i can't hardly get on riu), and i have had some chalenges to overcome. my plants are getting all fucked up, first i noticed i little brown goo on my roots...bad bad bad, so I rinced the roots and changed the water, then a couple days later i started having terrible rust like spots all over all of the older leaves of the WR, so... i had no idea what was causing this and also couldn't get on the internet hardly, so i figured that it was i calcium definciantcy but, that was wrong according to my buddy and he said it's prolly nutrient burn and that i should cut off all af the severly damaged leaves and flush them with only water for a couple days, so right now thats where i'm at. the best one showed little damage in genral so i didn't cut any from it but the other 3 big WR plants were getting fucked in the ass so i had to cut about 90% of the fan leaves. on a happier note teh bag seed plants are doing great, growing huge, today i had to move the dwc down so the one wouldnt be touching the bulbs, i cloned the bigger of the 2 and am waiting to see roots. for some reason i can't even select the attachments button so for now no pics but soon i will try to figure out why, prolly my stupid computer so anyway peace out for now -Cult


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the girls, and the internet problems.
Your setup looks good though.
Keep an eye on that cat...


Well-Known Member
the hydrogaurd is waiting for me at the rental office for tomarrow, theleaves i left are starting to get worse, but hopefully lol they will chill out after the hydrogaurd gets put in. i also got some hygrozyme in the same order, as i understand it you can't use bolth at once but i think i will use one in fore each of the mini dwc's just to see which one i like better. and thanks for the kind word jonny. -Cult


Well-Known Member
OK so i got the hydrogard and the hygrozyme, i used one in each... the hydrogaurd rocked the sox, and the hygrozyme sucked my ass and didn't do anything but make my res look like it had dish soap in it. lol, but the plants are still getting fucked in the ass, so bad in fact that the 2 that were bacicly doing nothing and growing as fast as a slug crawls, have actually cought up to all except for "The One", the one is doing just as good as ever, stem is thick and strong, it has many healthy branches, and all except for some spots on the leaves is doing great. all i can do now is pray that the good one is a female. still can't actually connect directly to RIU so i can't post any pics but hopefully soon i will get the comp fixed and be able toput some up. -cult


Well-Known Member
the MK got here today, original packaging, it's cool , has hologram seal... will be germinating soon...


Well-Known Member
just a little update, i germed the MK, put them in rockwool today. the WR is getting worse and worse, leaves dieing left and right, it chaos, i made some clones to try and preserve the best of the WR, but so far 50% of the clones are dead... but the clones of the best plant are still alive but since god hates me i'm guessing that they will be dead soon as well, i tried cloning with some of the bag plants and they all died, (i didn't do it right that time)but this time i was sure i did it right and still they are not rooting but it has only been 5 days so mebey theres still hope for me...

i'll post some pics tomarrow of all of it.



Well-Known Member
sorry god isnt happy with you right now. tell me how the MK ultra comes out im really interested in growing some.


Well-Known Member
OK so things are going alot better now... the opp has been cut in size to a 1/3rd or less of what i wanted due to paranoia of the misses, i moved the veg box into the closet and made it a flowering box, and set up a veging area on the other side of the closet.

i have 1 clone in the veging area which doesn't look so good...i hope it pulls through because it is the only hope for me to keep the best of the plants genes alive... pray for it guys... I have 6 clones which went streight to flower along with 2 of the 3 females (i killed 1 because it was week and spindally).

hear are some pics of all of these things...the big plants have been in flower for 2 weeks and the clones have been in flower for 1 week...ENJOY




Well-Known Member
hey man...I somehow missed this....you had such a good start...and a choice setup....sending good karma your man....ggood luck with your continued efforts!


Well-Known Member
looks to me like she's cooking along well enuf to make sure you get baked sooner than later!


Well-Known Member
and i forgot to mention that these are all White Russian...no mk-ultra yet, i had some seedlings going but i niglected them while my misses and i were arguing about weather or not I can grow at all... so i have 5 MK seeds left and will be starting thoes soon.

thanks to anybody for any advise,



Well-Known Member
the little ladies are in there 2nd week of flowering, they have just about doubled size since they rooted, i think they look great...

lol i guess i can't put up pisc right now... i'll continue the update later...