Failed timer in flower


for some reason my digital timer must have got stuck on because it should have gone to dark period at 9Am and whene i whent down to my computer (beside the cabinet/hidden wall space) i could hear that the fans where on, i quickly looked, lights on... i frantically re set the timer since it failed.. iot had the times right but failed to disconnect this time... anyways

4.5 extra hours of light for 1 day in Week 5 of Flower.... any permininent damage, or keep an eye on the timers and just ensure it doesnt happen again?


im just a touch worried about the plants cause they always say "dont ever let any light in past the dark period! dont give them more than 12/12 , it will make hermies" you knwo.. all that stuff.. all im really asking is if 1 day is going to F' em up?


Well-Known Member
welcome.... Using google and typing " what im searching for" is so much easier than this forums search box.


Well-Known Member
Same happened to me, digital $4 timer and the off function stopped working. Lights stayed on an extra 1.5 hours.

Oh goes on.


Active Member
I had a light timer get switched over to "ON" from "TIMER" and the plant was under full light for the 12 hours it should have been dark. I think it slowed down a little for a few days; instead of the usual 48 hours it took to suck up a gallon of water and nutes, it took 72. I think I negligibly reduced my harvest, but who cares if I lose a gram or two from a three ounce plant? It returned to normal, and flowered like a beast.


Active Member
Or you can get the timers that are kinda like aquarium light timers? I had probably at least 3 digital timers go out on me. All the same brand. the manufacturers name eludes me at the moment. Just gotta keep an eye on the timers, or any battery replacements.

as far as the light overage, you're probably fine, maybe a negligent bump, but I wouldn't sweat it.