Fak...bout to end my guerilla grow :( or move


Active Member
Damn...the other night I went to my old grow spot on the side of a highway that i used two years ago... On my way to the little open area I found a few plastic bags but didn't think much of them. Then i found a white bag turned inside out whereupon I looked inside and to my surprise it was labeled steer manure. Shit someone must be growing there too... I left two pot down at the spot two years ago, and when i got down there they were gone. So i walked around for a while down there thinking what I should do..5 min...10..min later i decide to walk back to my car and just grow a couple plants at this spot. Probably not the best idea i know i know. So i get back to the car and sit in my passenger seat with the door open still asking myself if I should even grow here. Sit there for a few minutes and just as I'm about to get out to get my big black plastic bags full of soil from my trunk my friend says "cops". Shit so i see some lights pull up from behind...i wave and two cops come over. It was 3am and luckily I had already taken out my shovel, coco bricks, and fertz from the cabin. Cop comes to my friend in the driver seat, asks where we coming from..going...why so late. We planed out a story just incase this happened so that went ok...Told him we switched drivers cuz I was tired.. Then he says all our eyes are really red ...have we had anything to drink or smoke...I tell them no way, then the main cop comes to my side and gives me this test where i follow his finger with my eyes...I pass... and he proceeds to tell us thanks for being safe and lets us go. Fuck so this spot is now compromised... gotsta find a new spot :cry:

Next day..find a new spot on google maps haha. Go out there at night again but this time it's more of a rural area so no cops. I hike down about 200feet down this steep hill with thorns and shit. I've got a flashlight and use it a couple times when i couldn't see anything ahead of me. I decide this spot is wayy to hard to transport all my soil and everything down here. Someone must of reported a light on the side of a hill cuz i hear a chopper overhead. I see him flying about 500 feet infront of me with his spot light searching for something on the hill...maybe me? lol after i hide under a tree and after he circles around again i run to the car and gtfo of there.

So hmmmmmmm 2 spots down and I live in a really populated area so I'm just thinking about giving up this year damnit. Man i had everything ready to go.....shoulda scouted a spot last month or two but what can i do ... My friend goes to college in this college town where its basically only people from school. When summer comes, the town is deserted. It's about three and a half hours away but I'm really thinking about just growing there. My friend could help me water em and i know he wont do anything stupid.

Dont even really know why i posted this...lol anybody have some secret secret areas to grow that i would never have thought of? haha probably not. Ill think about it a couple more days but will probably end up growin at my friends town. Hope everyone else found a spot that's ready to go!! good luck growin.


Well-Known Member
aw, that sucks. I do love Google Earth though. How I found all my spots! The only secret place I could think of would be in a tree. Plenty of sun and no one will find it unless they see you climbing it. It's ALOT more work though to haul everything up there. Good Luck!

harvest time

Well-Known Member
I say you get a big bucket, a lot of soil, a drip system...and put it right infront of your local police station. Ha my bad yo sounds like u got some shitty ass luck...dont giveup though, grow some kush my nigga


Well-Known Member
google maps is great.....i was scouting this spot off of a frontage road. easy access. but hard to get to the actual spot...tons of poison oak sticker bushes up the hill through the underbrush to a sunny open spot about 15' x 15' and a creek about 200 yrds away..went home and found out i was in somebodys back yard from some little fucking town on the other side of the hill i never heard of......


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well from that story it sounds like you shouldnt be growing outside as you scout first then get supplies never supplies then scout.Your spots should have been scouted and you should have been watching for last few months to see activity which you didnt do so your a prime suspect to be found out.You never use a flashlight at night ever while doing this and you use google maps so basically the area you picked is able to be clearly seen from the sattelite system and even though the free version is out of date the gove uses live up to the minute version which people can also use at $1800 a month usage fee and see in live time.Id reconsider outside growing sounds like your not prepared and its little late now to start for this year