Fake M-box 30's


Well-Known Member
Anybody out there getting any fake M-box 30's or any other mg oxycodone? Here in the Pacific Northwest I've been getting these "30s" for about a year. No way they are real oxy. The first time I did one I felt all sorts of cracked out, puked a bunch, then passed out. This was only at like half or a third of my tolerance too. It didn't make much sense. I've since gotten used to them to where they don't make me sick anymore. They will give me a good nod to where I can fall asleep if I want to. If I do too many in a day I get lots of screwed up memories and lapses.

There's two versions we get. One is a white pill. The other is a white pill with a blue coating on it that needs to be sucks off before crushing. Once the coating is off it appears the exact same as the white ones. They have a sweet taste to them which I have read might be fentanyl.
We are guessing maybe they are fentanyl and H pressed into a pill form and stamped to look like an oxy 30, but the imprint isn't always the best.

Any thoughts?
Most fent is very short acting when taken orally (like 2 hours)

Not sure what you mean by 'craked out' but actually felling craked out by opiates/opioids is highly unlikely
That first one felt like I had smoked some crack....but I don't actually know what that feels like as I've never done it. It felt like I had just smoked some H and snorted ABUNCHA ritalin at the same time.
Now they do relieve my w/d so they gotta be some sort of opiate/opioid.

Is there a way to get an individual pill tested? And whatever they are, they didn't show up on a 5 panel UA.
Well yea, dude be gettin like 3,000 at a time. Who's script is that?haha?? So yea they pressed.....still fuck ya up perty good
There's fake 30s going around right now, their fent. Ppl r pressing them, I've heard bout em going around recently but, every knows their fent and not percs that have been talking bout it, n go figure some people r loving the shit outta them. So damn sad
Getting fake Roxy 20s up here out of Milwaukee. They are actually better than the real thing and quite popular.
Their better because it's fentyal, and ppl are seriously dying all over bc they don't know wtf they are playing with. I was a long time heroin iv addict, I ain't perfect and I slip up once in a while but people that arnt aware of what they are putting in their body are dying , I love h to much but it's like playing Russian roulette, never no when you get a hot batch. And now not only is it In heroin their making fake percs with it. It's sickening I hate it I've lost to many friends close family. Fuck fent and ppl need to become informed about shit like this at the very least so maybe they start testing their shit first if their gonna do it be informed. Sorry for the rant again.. still trippin a bit . But please if you mess around in that game spread the word , possibly save some one from accidently killing themselves
Had alot of ODs up here last winter because some assholes brought H cut with Fent. 90% of the time the H is pure shit up here,then that crap shows up and people start dropping. That's why I normally stick with morphine pills. Luckily my tolerance is really high and I did mine before my Daughter in law did hers. She scored 2 and gave me one. Normally a 20 Oxy isn't even worth poking myself for,but the morphine was late and it was a gift.
Knew before the plunger bottomed out something was up,lit me up good. Stopped the girl in time to get her to start with snorting very small amounts.
And I can almost bet you not one of those pills have the same amount as all the others , fent isn't easy to mix with other fillers and binders, get alot of hot spots .
Yeah that was a one off for me. I looked at others that came up,some were pressed nice and hard,others were so soft you could barely handle them. Happy to stick with the IR morphine that comes out of the pharmacy. Easy to fix and I know it's 30mg per pill