Fake plastic trees for CO2?


Active Member
Originally posted by me at gardenscure:

So I was watching PBS the other day, and there was a special on these two guys who are single-handedly fighting climate change.
They invented plastic trees that can capture co2 all day long, then release it on command (explained later). Here's a link. I have to warn, I didn't read that article, I'm just speaking on what I remember.

First they tried lye, which proved to be too cumbersome and inefficient.
Then they realized that a specific type of plastic, that found in plastic water softeners, (if memory recalls) captures co2 naturally, basically just as well as lye does.

So they tried and tried to figure out how to chemically remove the CO2 from the plastic. Finally in a stoner moment (I assume) they tried putting plain water on the paper. It immediately began releasing CO2, quickly raising the PPM to 1500.

Recognize the number?

Could this be the green way to harvest natural CO2, also? direct air with a blower through a chamber containing layers of this plastic all night, then during the day open up a honeywell damper, and kick on some aero sprayers, and let that baby roll, right?

It just seems too simple for no one else to have come up with this idea.
What do you think? Does this sound too crazy?


Well-Known Member
If this technology is true, ,then carbon credits, cap in trade, and the whole Kyoto treaty is bullshit and there is ideed a global conspiracy about urgency with lowering CO2 levels.


Active Member
Wow...Imagine the possibilities. Make a white plastic film out of it, set it outside for a week or so, tape it to your walls, hook your CO2 controller to a humidifier and BAM!