Fan Blowing On Buds??


New Member
So while growing, I read that you should not keep fans blowing all the time on your plants buds. Why is that and or is it true..?


Well-Known Member
I put two fans on my girls the day I plant the clones and I don't turn them off untill I harvest .


Well-Known Member
well, you don't want the fans on high.. blowing directly onto the plants. You don't want the wind/fan too strong.

You need air circulation.. sure. But! You don't need to point the fans DIRECTLY at the plants.


Well-Known Member
I have one rotating fan in my Veg room blowing over my plants and they seem fine but it is on Low setting

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
bets to have it just above the canopy and at the base of the plants to move air under the canopy


Well-Known Member
My fans are also on low . I just want to keep air moving , not blow them over .

that's the idea. use the lowest setting possible.. to where the fan is still moving enough air.. but not enough to break any branches.. or possibly blow the plant or plants over.


Active Member
bets to have it just above the canopy and at the base of the plants to move air under the canopy
That is how I keep mine, and they have a huge stem top and bottom. I just went to 12/12 friday and turned my ballast to 1000watts, the temp went up to 90 yesterday. Had to make a few adjustments but now is at 70, witch has been working great. The new flowers an some that are a week old have turned kind of yellowish, and no clue what thats about. Checked my ph and TDS and they are dead on.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member

that's the idea. use the lowest setting possible.. to where the fan is still moving enough air.. but not enough to break any branches.. or possibly blow the plant or plants over.
If your plant can be knocked over by a fan.... Fans are important as well as positive air exchange. I use many small fans and larger fans for the upper conopy.As long as the air is moving throughout the room, that's good enough. Don't forget the torrentail rain if you plan on having a monsoon in your

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
70 is way to low. try about 77 to 82 light on and 74 light off.

man that must be a wicked fan if it can break branches on a plant. never seen one be able to yet. not on its own from the wind off it

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
That is how I keep mine, and they have a huge stem top and bottom. I just went to 12/12 friday and turned my ballast to 1000watts, the temp went up to 90 yesterday. Had to make a few adjustments but now is at 70, witch has been working great. The new flowers an some that are a week old have turned kind of yellowish, and no clue what thats about. Checked my ph and TDS and they are dead on.

you say ph and tds is good but what is good to you and the medium..


Active Member
77 - 82, ill try that see if they do good, i'm sure they will, this is my first grow so I can't really tell how they react to all acts of nature. Can you tell me why my plants would start turning yellowish where the hairs are beginning to grow?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i was answering the origianl post but ya...those are the temps to shoot for.

need to know ph and ec, or your tds of the foods and water.


Active Member
PH 6.0 check it 3 times a day to keep it stable. I talked to the guy at my nearest hydro store, and he said to keep the TDS at 1,000 PPM and every week to raise it 100 PPM's. Im using FoxFarm nuts and solubles. He said to get the PPM dialed in with the nuts and after add in the said amount of solubles. I don't know if this is the best guild lines to follow, but being my first grow im going to see if it keeps them nice and big.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
go up 100 a week...and stop at what level...ya bad advice.

im assuming your hydro if using a rez?...pH should be 5.5 then if so. and ph it after all foods have been added to the water.
id say at start of bloom hit at 900 ppm, then by mid bloom be about 1100. then peek feed at about 1400. more is just a waste.

you go from tds to ppm...what does your meter read. those are 2 diff numbers.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
PH 6.0 check it 3 times a day to keep it stable. I talked to the guy at my nearest hydro store, and he said to keep the TDS at 1,000 PPM and every week to raise it 100 PPM's. Im using FoxFarm nuts and solubles. He said to get the PPM dialed in with the nuts and after add in the said amount of solubles. I don't know if this is the best guild lines to follow, but being my first grow im going to see if it keeps them nice and big.
The reason I mentioned atmospheric pressure is because at lower pressures the nutes will react more quiker and cause nitro burn and other plant problems.


the reason i use a fan is to keep the heat down on the buds. I use a 400 watt light. And i keep it 8 inches above my plants. I blow the fan right over the top to remove the heat from the light. My intake and out take fans keep the circulation going. the closer the light the better. Bigger denser buds the closer the light. Just make sure if your using a 1000w your not putting it 8 inches away. Basic info, the bigger the light the bigger the heat. And with a fan moving the plants it does make them stonger. However i keep my plants short. They finish at 2.5 feet tall. Short and stocky. i never have issues with branches being to weak to support the colas.