fan carbon filter help


New Member
I currently have a 2x2x2 meter tent with 2 600w hps lights about to upgrade to 4x 600w lights I have two 5 inch fans which move 454M3 air together which I'm thinking to use as intake and buy a new carbon and extractor fan which size would u suggest.


Active Member
whatever you can afford i use a 120x120x200 tent with a 6"fan 552m3/hour and 6" carbon filter with a 600hps in cool tube with a 4" intake and the setup runs amazing heat is steady 27 light on 20 lights off with heater tube keep root warm and temp stable
id say get a 8"or 10" rvk L1/A1 fan and rhino filter and stick your lights in cool tubes keeps them cooler and you can get light closer to plants


Active Member
Actually I would always go with the out take fan only (connected to a carbon filter of course). No in takes. Ideally I would place the fan at the bottom of a grow room and poke many samller intake holes near the top of each grow room wall. This way you don't need an intake fan while air circulation is still good. Although you may consider using additional fans inside the grow room if air circulation is not good enough.