Fan leaves and flowering...

I have a single plant that has been pretty stressed on two occasions. It has gone well past it's flowering timeline due to that stress. Over the last 2 days I have noticed that all of the fan leaves have begun to yellow and droop. All of them.

I think the trichs got effed by the stress too. I have a good bit of cloudy but very few amber trichs. And after all this time my hairs are mostly red but none have truly receded.

So, two questions...

  1. Can I take the recent yellowing and dropping of all the fan leaves as a sign that the plant might be close to finishing?
  2. Could the stress play a part in whether or not the trichs turn amber?


Active Member
1. Yellowing at the end of flowering is normal, especially if you are flushing and not feeding at the end. Yes you are close now.

2. The trichs will turn amber when they are ripe, be patient.