Fan Leaves Budding


Hydro Set-Up with a Super Neut System they are so nice the fans are budding. First time i've seen it


New Member
There's a sub variety of marijuana called Cannabis Chinensis. They have a unique trait of producing buds at the leaves. You may or may not have a strain with some of these gentics, if so that is rad just because it isn't too common. BTW, your photos didnt show up, just the text for them. Try reposting them.


New Member
Well, the pictures showed up for me after I came back. Whether or not you fixed it, IDK. That does look great. Chinensis genes or no, it's more smoke for you. Are the majority of the fan leaves showing this trait, or only a few, or just the one?


Just tis one plant but two leaves are budding they are near the top one on each side, the strain is from Nirvana Blue Mystic


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmmmmmmm.....................that's interesting, how is the rest of the bud on that girl?
that may be an interesting breeding trait? certainly not very common?


On a side note this whole crop all the main colas split at the top into 6 buds after 5 weeks check it out in my album


Active Member
Beautiful plants man, really. The only thing I think might be wrong is their getting a bit too much heat? The leafs seems to turn up around the edges, and some are curling.

Either way, it dont seem to be horrible, still healthy plants overall :D


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing this thread back because I just learned about Cannabis Chinensis and my Blue Mystic hybrid is showing it through a budding leaf... Very healthy, lime green, almost sativa-dominant blue mystic (much taller and more vigorous than any other i've seen). Just thought I'd call Chinensis to y'alls attentions.