Fan leaves during veg


Well-Known Member
Hello there im about 2 weeks into veg from seed and some of the fan leaves are covering up some of the lower shoots was wondering if i could cutt a few branches off to recieve more light to the lower shoots its about 7inchs tall. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hello there im about 2 weeks into veg from seed and some of the fan leaves are covering up some of the lower shoots was wondering if i could cutt a few branches off to recieve more light to the lower shoots its about 7inchs tall. Thanks
The lower branches will grow out to receive a beginner myself but i trim my plant up a bit every week or so but i only remove lower branches that i feel the need to cut. just think about photosynthesis and surface area and you should be able to make the decision easily on your own


Well-Known Member
Just move the fans out of the way. No need to cut them off as they are there for a reason. If the plant doenst need them it will shed them.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you need those big fan leaves, especially early on for root/plant development. just tuck them out of the way, if you really want that light down there now. i trim leaves pretty much right into flower. the lower 6-8" of my plants are bare naked ladies! this really helps with airflow, which is very important. the light is only gonna penetrate so far into the canopy anyway, so imo, those lower branches are expendable.


Well-Known Member
Alrite cool thanks so just wait till i bloom them to start cutting anything, there around 8inch when can i flower and colud i take a clone from them or should i wait to determain the sex of the whore ass bitch kunt lol excuse the french


Well-Known Member
also if you want to try something that looks nice at harvest time, cut all the lower branches and have one bigass main cola. worked for me even though i had maybe lost a little total yield, it looked cool as hell. lol good luck. you shoul dpost some pics

Brick Top

New Member

Leafing is one of the most misunderstood techniques.. In the mind of the cultivator, several reasons exist for removing leaves. Many feel that large shade leaves draw energy from the flowering plant, and therefore the flowering clusters will be smaller. It is felt that by removing the leaves, surplus energy will be available, and large floral clusters will be formed. Also, some feel that inhibitors of flowering, synthesized in the leaves during the long noninductive days of summer, may be stored in the older leaves that were formed during the noninductive photoperiod. Possibly, if these inhibitor-laden leaves are removed, the plant will proceed to flower, and maturation will be accelerated. Large leaves shade the inner portions of the plant, and small atrophied floral clusters may begin to develop if they receive more light.

In actuality, few if any of the theories behind leafing give any indication of validity. Indeed, leafing possibly serves to defeat its original purpose. Large leaves have a definite function in the growth and development. They serve as photosynthetic factories for the production of sugars and other necessary growth sub stances. They also create shade, but at the same time they are collecting valuable solar energy and producing foods that will be used during the floral development of the plant.

Premature removal of leaves may cause stunting, because the potential for photosynthesis is reduced. As these leaves age and lose their ability to carry on photo synthesis they turn chlorotie (yellow) and fall to the ground. In humid areas care is taken to remove the yellow or brown leaves, because they might invite attack by fungus. During chlorosis the plant breaks down substances, such as chlorophylls, and translocates the molecular components to a new growing part of the plant, such as the flowers. Your ladies begin to lose their larger leaves when they enter the flowering stage, and this trend continues until senescence. It is more efficient for the plant to reuse the energy and various molecular components of existing chlorophyll than to synthesize new chlorophyll at the time of flowering. During flowering this energy is needed to form floral clusters and ripen seeds.

Removing large amounts of leaves may interfere with the metabolic balance of the plant. If this metabolic change occurs too late in the season it could interfere with floral development and delay maturation. If any floral inhibitors are removed, the intended effect of accelerating flowering will probably be counteracted by metabolic upset in the plant. Removal of shade leaves does facilitate more light reaching the center of the plant, but if there is not enough food energy produced in the leaves, the small internal floral clusters will probably not grow any larger. Leaf removal may also cause sex reversal resulting from a metabolic change.

If leaves must be removed, the petiole is cut so that at least an inch remains attached to the stalk. Weaknesses in the limb axis at the node result if the leaves are pulled off at the abscission layer while they are still green. Care is taken to see that the shriveling petiole does not invite fungus attack.

It should be remembered that, regardless of strain or environmental conditions, the plant strives to reproduce, and reproduction is favored by early maturation. This produces a situation where plants are trying to mature and reproduce as fast as possible. Although the purpose of leafing is to speed maturation, disturbing the natural progressive growth of a plant probably interferes with its rapid development.

Your plants grow largest when provided with plentiful nutrients, sunlight, and water and left alone to grow and mature naturally. It must be remembered that any alteration of the natural life cycle will affect productivity. Imaginative combinations and adaptations of propagation techniques exist, based on specific situations of cultivation. Logical choices are made to direct the natural growth cycle to favor the timely maturation of those products sought by the cultivator, without sacrificing seed or clone production.


Well-Known Member
Very cool bricktop even though it was kindof hard to understand wtf, lol but i get it ill just let them grow natural and let all the fan leaves suck up all the light and energy. Drgreen thats what i want a big ol monster cola or a few would be nice just wondering if i can clone them there 8inch tall and there are shoots i can take

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
when trimming, never do too much at one time. this could cause shock and hermies. i spread my major trimming out to 3-4 days.