fan leaves turning yellow, brown spots on colas


New Member
its mostly the leaves twoards the bottom of the plant turning yellow, and dying, but now up by the colas are getting brown spots.

the soil says it feeds plants for 6 months. i added a teeny tiny bit of 12/4/8 fert the other day, still yellowing and browning in spots.

could i be root bound possibly? the bottom of the pot is covered in roots that are curled up in sprials and such.



Active Member
Hi Boodootruedude ~ Like with any problem solving the more info supplied the best answer and more acurate answer you will get making it easier for you to solve your problem. Cant stress this anoth!

What size pots are these in ? When choosing pots make sure they will block any light to the root zone. Yours look clear this is not good.

I wouldnt diagnose your problem intill i have read additional information i wouldnt want to miss direct you!


Well-Known Member
those are not clear. look like silver buckets to me. i use the same buckets to make my feeds up in.

what you need to do is add more nutrients. jus a higher concentrastion of nutes on your next feed. go to full strength, like it tells you on the bottles.


Well-Known Member
the reason why is making buds takes LOTS and LOTS of energy. to make energy, aside from light, the plant converts nutrients. if there are not enough available in the root zone then the plant will start taking from the stores in its leaves and stems, causing discoloration.


Well-Known Member
Even if the buckets were clear, it wud have caused problems way earlier, this plant looks ready to harvest soon. OP, how far into flowering is it? If its in the last 2 or 3 weeks its normal for the fan leaves and such to start yellowing and dying. Its part of the plants natural lifecycle.


Active Member
There was not anoth nitrogen during your vegative state my friend you want to load up on this bofore switching to flower cycle continue to use vegative nutes for the first week or 2 then switch. i know you was relying on the nutes in the soil but cannot even depend on this.

And this plant is far from harvest.


New Member
yes probably about 4 weeks from harvest give or take. theyre about 4 weeks in now.

yes theyre clear 32oz containers with drainage cut.

my space is super small and i only have about 3ft vertical. so i was trying to keep the root system small to keep the plant smaller and i suppose it worked because ive got plenty of room left and about 10 or more of thoose colas.

should i give them some kind of full strength nute? all i have is some 12/4/8 stuff in the basement. with a bunch of other good stuff in it as well.

anyone have any ideas from the browning by the cola? its not from heat, temps are normal and the cfls stay cool with the fans and such.

if i was to repot i would cut a gallon jug of milk at the handle and use that, its not much more but i only have about half a foot left, and idk if theyre gunna jump in size at all.



Well-Known Member
you want something with a higher P and K content than N. this is because too much N will prevent floral production and actually encourage male parts, or hermies to form. You could use that feed if you also added a bloom booster.

however if it's all you have then encouraging a few male flowers isn't going to hurt much... just use it. do you have a way to measure the EC? In soil you should aim for around 3.2EC at the mid-flower point.


Well-Known Member
another thing you need to watch out for in regards to poor nutrient availability are over saturation, or compacted areas in the soil. as you water and parts of the soil dry out, certain parts can become compacted... so before you water, lift the pots and tap them gently on the floor to help loosen up any compacted spots. It also helps to pack your pots loosely to begin with too.

Conversely, another thing that causes poor nutrient availbility is feeding too much. Too many salts in the soil will slow the passage of K which is a very important nutrient for building buds.


New Member
i have no idea what ec is haha, im an amateur. i only spent about $40 on the whole project, i had the rest around the house already, soil n all.

i suppose ill get proper nutes and hit it full strength then


Well-Known Member
no, you'll be fine to use what you have for now. the plant will stillflower fine with it, it just won't be perfect, and if you do get a couple male flowers it won't hurt you to get one or two beans. they will be female beans.. nothing wrong with S1, I love it when it happens to me.

but remember what i said about overfeeding. It causes a K deficiency. how would you say you've been feeding her so far?

only feed if you're sure it is the right thing to, i'm not at your grow adn lots of things can cause the same symptoms. If you've been cautious, as lots of noobs are these days when it comes to feeding, then it's probably justa simple case of adding more food.


Active Member
Yes skunkushy is right you want something with more P and K you can always get a few cheap things from your house hold.

Blackstrap mollases are good

Nutritional Information and Nutrition Facts: Serving Size: 1Tbsp. (21g). Servings per Container: About 24. Amount Per Serving: Calories - 60;
Percentage Daily Values; Fat - 0g, 0%; Sodium - 65mg. 3%; Potassium - 800 mg. 23%; Total Carbohydrates - 13g, 4%; Sugars - 12g, Protein - 1g, Calcium - 2%; Iron 10%; Magnesium 15%; , cholesterol, fiber, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.

There are many others


New Member
i can find things that contain that around the household? i dont have molllases haha. i would love to have blooming/budding nutes but idk if i wanna spend any money at this point. i just happen to have some all purpose miracle grow 12/4/8 in the basement i could use.

ive only given them like a drop of the stuff, definatley not full strength. no effect yet. should i try full strength after the next watering?


Well-Known Member
Don't be listening about male flowers, a 3-1-2 ratio fert isn't gonna cause a plant to go she-male.

You can just keep feeding with what you have or purchase some cheap tomato feed if funds are tight. People way overstate the need for P and K in flowering, it's important but your plant won't die without it.

Hope this helps.


New Member
yeah im pretty sure that isnt going to happen.

should i be feeding full strength? even with the nutrients included in the soil?

also, should i repot?


New Member
this is what they look like today, 2 days after adding a tiny bit of fert.

a little worried, thoose nasty spots are on some colas.

they look tasty as fuck, im just worried about the fan leaves all dying systematically, and that brown spots appearing everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Yeah now is the time to start feeding, they've probably used up all the nutes in the soil and are hungry for some more. Iv grown plants that the soil says "feeds for 6 months" but they only lasted 2-3 weeks after the second node.

3-1-2 should do you fine (yours is 12-4-8 I believe,it's the same ratio just 3 times as concentrated), get the lights closer tho.


Well-Known Member
Don't be listening about male flowers, a 3-1-2 ratio fert isn't gonna cause a plant to go she-male.

You can just keep feeding with what you have or purchase some cheap tomato feed if funds are tight. People way overstate the need for P and K in flowering, it's important but your plant won't die without it.

Hope this helps.

You are insane. without P and K your plant will not grow buds, it will die.

also, high N slows development of female flowers and encourages male ones. it's a scientific fact.